Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Day 18 Focusing / Authenticity (Dommi)
Staying focused is definitely a challenge for me! Or focused on the right thing, rather. While I have guarded my mind against media distractions ( reality shows, gossip talk shows, trashy tv, etc.), I have not guarded it against my own destructive thoughts (fear, doubt, low self-esteem, the need to be approved of, etc.). I certainly need to focus more on God's Word! Not just in the sense of education or gaining knowledge of the Word, but in the sense of truly applying God's Word to my life! If God dropped a plumb line into the building I've created of my life, it probably would not be too aligned. I know I have a lot of realigning to do to reflect the true authentic ME, God had in mind. Studying God's Word with intentional timing, meditating on his Word, keeping my mind stayed on His promises and not the situation, resting in His Word, and believing it without doubts are way I can align myself with God original blueprint for me. When I aligned myself with God's Word instead of the approval of the world, I'm authentically Me and the opinions of others won't matter.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Day 17 Receiving/Effortlessness (Dommi)
If I'm honest with myself, I'd say most of my opposition comes from my own mind. I have the tools available to receive -- my bible, Christian radio/tv programming, podcasts, numerous books, and cd's. Sometimes my reception is bad... When I'm going thru a trial or valley, all I do is obsess about it! I go thru things several times over in my head. Did I do, say, or act appropriately? Could I have some better? This will go on for days!
Definitely going to try to put a little more effort in pursuing Gods Rest so I can effortlessly be still to rest in Him, trust and believe God for a favorable outcome in all situations... To REALLY Let Go & Let God! Effortlessly....
Day 27 questions from PG
What are the abilities god has given you? How well are you stewarding them?
Has god called you to be a leader? Of course He has! The question is: how are you taking responsibility for fulfilling that call?
What one thing can you change that will change everything?
I want to remind us all that the world is listening, all the time. How we are, ripples out from us into the world and affects others. We have responsibility -- an ability to respond -- to the world. Finding our particular way of living this responsibility, of offering who we are to the world, is why we are here. We are called because the world needs us to embody the meaning in our lives. God needs us awake. The world we live in is a co-creation, a manifestation of individual consciousness woven into a collective dream. How we are with each other as individuals, as groups, as nations and tribes, is what shapes that dream. -- Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Day 26 questions from PG
What are the circumstances in your life making you stronger? What is tempering you & testing your integrity?
Clarity of intent, purity of motives, honest decision-making, congruency, and transparency are all included within the concept of integrity. Pray, ask God to assist you in securing these virtues in your life.
As a result of this refining process, write down what you know in your heart will be revealed. What treasure are you carrying inside of you that needs to find expression in the world around you?
Day 25 questions from PG
Take time today to reflect on Gods purposes and how those are reflected in your own. How intentionally are you pursuing this on a daily basis?
Write down what you hear God saying about His purpose for you in the season you are in now. Pay close attention to what God's Spirit is speaking to yours. Remember, the closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given.
What can you be doing more of to "do your part" in bringing God's purpose for your life to pass? What should you be doing less of? Heed this advice from Proverbs: "form your purpose by asking for counsel, then carry it out using all the help you can get" (Prov. 20:18).
Day 16 Believing/Beauty (Dommi)
I think I'd look 10 years younger if only I could learn to "be still & rest in The Lord." It seems at times I fight against resting in Him because I want physical, visable results right now! I'm very much still learning patience & trusting God with the outcome even when it doesn't look like it's in my favor or what I want. I need to learn to "rest in Him" and not manipulate the process.
I am beginning to create the space & time I need to soak in Gods presence to reveal the beauty in me thru Him. Not the usual random few minutes here or there, but intentional time, set apart from the rest of my day to soak in, marinate in Gods Word so that His beauty will resonate within me.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Day 15 Sensing/Joy (Dommi)
God certainly picked the perfect day to have me read this characteristic!
"Joy-deprived is similar, if not worse than being sleep-deprived!"
So very true... I know this feeling all too well...
I can stir up joy in my everyday life by simply CHOOSING to be joyful, and not allowing the enemy to steal my Joy! Just like Love, patience, faithfulness, etc, is a choice!
Specifically, staying in my bible, and meditating on the promises of God regardless of how bad my current situation looks or feels...
Day 14 imaging/passion (Dommi)
I have been stumped on this forever because I have no clue what I'm passionate about...
After all I've been thru the last couple of weeks, I think I'm passionate about finding my voice, finding who I am, and not being who "I think" everyone else wants me to be...
I think I can harness the power of my passions to establish myself, take dominion, and make a difference within my family, community, and country by standing up for the things I believe in, and respectfully standing my ground against the things I don't believe in, no matter the opinions of others.
I can tap into my passions & go and do my best by doing what is pleasing to God. I can go and do my best when I do all things unto God and not self or the approval of others...
Day 24 - Belonging/Identity (Tiffany)
It is so interesting that I read this excerpt of the book on this day. I actually was able to go see Cindy Trimm on this day and when she spoke, it was confirmation of what I had read earlier! I know that God is moving and speaking things to me in this season, and yet, the enemy will keep trying to make me feel unworthy and separate and unwanted and unloved. I cannot let it deter me, I know the reason that he wants me to feel isolated is so that I cannot use my gifts, the gifts that God has graced me with to help other people.
What I really like about what I read, is that "Sameness isn't a Kingdom principle, but connectedness is." That right there is transformational because it seems like everybody wants people to be at the level that they are, and nobody is patient enough and hold enough mercy for the person to get to the level of where they are.
I remember sitting before this man of God one day, and it had been one year since being celibate and he asked me if I used to have sexual addiction. I didn't want to admit to it, because I didn't feel like I had any, because I had been really good. But he was able to see it through my eyes. I was in denial about my past, and just wanted to leave it there and not deal with it, but some things must be dealt with or they will return!
It is something about me emotionally that I need to be delivered from when coming into close connection with others. I have a hard time receiving and giving, because I'm hurt deep down emotionally. I don't know why, but I need to get that part fixed. I need the Lord to spiritually heal my soul from this aching part that is within because He is taking me to a place of receiving, but I'm having a VERY difficult time with interacting with others in it. I'm trying to rest and allow Him to lead me in these things, but I keep feeling stuck, I keep feeling like I have to pretend that I am someone that I am not. It's very difficult and it's getting raw in my emotions. I try my best to be the authentic me, but I'm realizing that I'm just not where I think I really am and the authentic me is the person that is still struggling with some things inside in regards to exposing myself to others.
Greatness IS risky!
I have to take on these things of praying to God and about who He says that I am, this may take a few days. I'm not going to rush the process. I know I have great potential, but just because I see it in my mind, doesn't automatically mean that I will behave this way and that's how I'll be. I have a long way to go!
What I really like about what I read, is that "Sameness isn't a Kingdom principle, but connectedness is." That right there is transformational because it seems like everybody wants people to be at the level that they are, and nobody is patient enough and hold enough mercy for the person to get to the level of where they are.
I remember sitting before this man of God one day, and it had been one year since being celibate and he asked me if I used to have sexual addiction. I didn't want to admit to it, because I didn't feel like I had any, because I had been really good. But he was able to see it through my eyes. I was in denial about my past, and just wanted to leave it there and not deal with it, but some things must be dealt with or they will return!
It is something about me emotionally that I need to be delivered from when coming into close connection with others. I have a hard time receiving and giving, because I'm hurt deep down emotionally. I don't know why, but I need to get that part fixed. I need the Lord to spiritually heal my soul from this aching part that is within because He is taking me to a place of receiving, but I'm having a VERY difficult time with interacting with others in it. I'm trying to rest and allow Him to lead me in these things, but I keep feeling stuck, I keep feeling like I have to pretend that I am someone that I am not. It's very difficult and it's getting raw in my emotions. I try my best to be the authentic me, but I'm realizing that I'm just not where I think I really am and the authentic me is the person that is still struggling with some things inside in regards to exposing myself to others.
Greatness IS risky!
I have to take on these things of praying to God and about who He says that I am, this may take a few days. I'm not going to rush the process. I know I have great potential, but just because I see it in my mind, doesn't automatically mean that I will behave this way and that's how I'll be. I have a long way to go!
Friday, December 27, 2013
WEEK FIVE: The Importance Of Identity - Mastering Your Mind
The Importance Of Identity: Mastering Your Mind
Throughout the 40 Day Soul Fast, we have been talking about the susceptibility of the soul to all types of influences.We began by introducing the concept of soul toxins and the various ties that bind and bruise the soul. We talked about the thought habits, relationship patterns, social influences, and inherited codes that impact the life of the soul.
No matter how daunting it seems to identify and understand all of the various ways your soul can be contaminated and bound, I want you to know that if you ask him, God will give you the discernment you need to pray and receive His bondage breaking—soul cleansing—grace.
The key to deliverance is embracing who you are in Christ— and who He is within you.
Whatever has ensnared you is not greater than God’s power to set you free. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1 NIV).
Ignorance, more than anything else, is your greatest enemy. Ignorance is what the enemy uses to keep you bound and afflicted in your soul. Not only ignorance of what is eroding your soul, but also ignorance of who you are as a child of God and the power you have to break free and live victoriously.
Understanding the identity you have inherited from not only your ancestors, but also your Heavenly Father, will help you maximize your potential and fulfill your purpose with greater precision.
Knowledge about why you do what you do—as well as what you are capable of—will give you the ability to minimize your weaknesses while capitalizing on your strengths. This is vital to the health of your soul and essential to your empowerment.
In Ephesians you are told to “throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy” (4:22-24 NLT). In Christ you have been given a new nature—an entirely new genetic code. According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (NLT).
Regardless of who you thought you were, or the family you were born into, or the part of the country you’re from, you are your Heavenly Father’s child. You can learn more about who you were created to be by learning about who He is. You have been made a partaker of His divine nature (see 2 Peter 1:4). You are to “be imitators of God as dear children” (Ephesians 5:1).
I like how THE MESSAGE says it:
“Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that” (Ephesians 5:1 MSG).
In God, you have been given all things pertaining to life and godliness “through the knowledge of Him” (2 Peter 1:3). The more time you spend learning about the nature of God, learning the ways of Christ, and keeping company with His Spirit, the more you are transformed into His likeness—“becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him” (2 Corinthians 3:18 MSG).
There is nothing the Bible talks about more than the power and importance of identity— knowing whom and whose you are and all you are capable of becoming.
Early in the Old Testament, God told the Israelites, “You are the sons of the Lord your God…you are a holy people [set apart] to the Lord your God; and the Lord has chosen you to be a peculiar people to Himself, above all the nations on the earth” (Deuteronomy 14:1-2 AMP).
At the very end of the New Testament, we read that God has “made us kings and priests…and we shall reign on the earth” (Revelations 5:10).
If you are to fulfill your destiny of reigning on this earth as a king and priest, you must be “constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Ephesians 4:23 AMP). Constantly. Only by constant and continual renewal of your spirit, soul, and mind will you be able to change your beliefs about the capacity you carry for greatness.
The paradigm that dictates your outlook determines your outcomes. The paradigm that governs your expectations will either gridlock or give way to what you are able to envision.
You have often heard me say that if your context is wrong your conclusions will be wrong. Conclusion is a result of context. Change your perspective and you will change your potential. Your potential is only limited by your own perception of it.
This is why we are told over and over again about who we are in Christ. God is trying to change your mindset. He is giving you a new perspective and paradigm for framing your identity. You are to “put on Christ, like putting on new clothes” (Galatians 3:27 NLT). You are to “put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him” (Colossians 3:10).
“You have begun to live the new life, in which you are being made new and are becoming like the One who made you” (Colossians 3:10 NCV).
Galatians 6:15 states that “what counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.” What counts is whether or not your identity—your perception of yourself—is defined by God.
Allow yourself to be defined by your Creator, to live into that image—to be informed and transformed by the knowledge of who God created you to be.
Be defined by “Christ Himself, who is in you…[y]our only hope for glory” (Colossians 1:27 NCV)—your only hope of “being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV)—your only hope of breaking every yoke, setting aside every weight, breaking free from every encumbrance, being made new and completely transformed into the image and likeness of Christ Himself: “heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).
Be encouraged. Faith in God’s transforming, identity-altering grace will free you from whatever cords of sin, addiction, or unhealthy relationships have bound you by feelings of inferiority. As it says in Romans, “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Romans 5:20).
Never forget that “with God's power working in [you], God can do much, much more than anything [you] can ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20 NCV).
Remembering it is “God who works in you…to do for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13) will empower you to fix your mind on His truth about your divine potential.
Bind yourself to God’s grace—fix your mind’s eye on the capacity building power of Christ at work in you!
“He who has begun a good work in you will complete it” (Philippians 1:6).
This week, we will be focusing on the characteristics of faith, gratitude, destiny, identity, and purpose.
As you explore each characteristic throughout the week, think about the following questions:
• How can you more fully embrace your identity in Christ? What does
that look like? How can you live that out?
• How does this knowledge enable you to live more authentically?
I pray you discover your true identity by acknowledging the Christ at work within you.
Romans 8:15-17 MSG: This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what's coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Day 23 - Capitalizing/Destiny (Tiffany)
All I can say is that I am grateful that I came through these tests because it makes me so much stronger. I think I still have some ways to go as far as God is showing me. I have yet the inclination to speak to just anybody. I told a white lie today when an ran down looking man asked me if I was single, I said no...I just didn't feel like going through the motions. I know that I can eventually lead to Christ, that it is a ministry place...but I chose myself first in that instant and I didn't feel like having the conversation. That could probably affect my eternal mansions, so with that being said, the whole emphasis on decision making is interesting because I started my day with that particular subject on my mind and throughout the day was presented with such and I made a decision this evening not to give in to my lower flesh which really wanted to go to the movies and go out, and instead of making a phone call to a man that I was going to "get" to take me, I instead chose to work on my business, with my time management and was blessed to hear a compliment to my ministry that I never have known.
I believe God wants us to make the right decisions. I believe God wants me to continue in what He has shown me before, but I need to believe Him. I have to get back to that place in His Word...I almost let go when I stopped reading His word intently daily, and then when faced with a tempting situation, I didn't use the Word but trying my own will and did not speak His Word for the way of escape to be made.
I'm making new decisions for my destiny and I'm excited!
I believe God wants us to make the right decisions. I believe God wants me to continue in what He has shown me before, but I need to believe Him. I have to get back to that place in His Word...I almost let go when I stopped reading His word intently daily, and then when faced with a tempting situation, I didn't use the Word but trying my own will and did not speak His Word for the way of escape to be made.
I'm making new decisions for my destiny and I'm excited!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Day 22 - Agreeing/Gratitude (Tiffany)
I think there comes a time when you know that implementation has to take place. But before you can go forward you have to know you are moving correctly. You cannot continue to think you are going God's way but you haven't even been praying. If you haven't been praying, don't move. It's foolish to go in a direction and you are not really sure that it's where God wants you to go. I have felt that plenty of times God has moved me without me really understanding the time and season. The last word before this started happening, God said to "Be still and see the salvation of the Lord". He said this twice. I'm really starting to wonder what He meant by that. I haven't asked Him again. I've been trying to navigate my life without asking the Lord this question. I admit that the reason is because I have not felt so sure about hearing from Him and being certain of what He has said. This means my faith has weakened just a bit, but I still have a belief that God said some things. I think where I keep getting caught up is because I have not been spending as much time as I could be in being grateful and praising God. I think I've spent too much time in complaining. I have been consumed with complaints. I have not had the praise that I usually have. I may attribute some of that of not having all of my music. My ipod has been destroyed, so I only have the few songs that I have on my cell phone, which doesn't really carry that much because I don't have an SD card. Anyway, I can't use that as an excuse, because I still have the Word of God, which I haven't been spending as much time in either. There are some things that need to be changed, I see God turning some things around full circle in my life where things make sense of what I've been learning in the secular arena which actually have the principles in which are in the Word.
What five strengths, abilities, or talents about yourself are you grateful for?
- Writing, reading, studying, listening, creativity
List five opportunities or outcomes that you have not yet experienced that you can preemptively be grateful for?
- Publishing book, becoming bestseller, making first million, changing the inner city, making a legendary global impact
Who are the people in your life you are especially grateful for?
- Everyone who has given me a chance and has helped me. Particularly right now, T. Lee, N. Bennett, S. Bell, C. Richmond, O. McIntyre, L. Brown, G. Mitchell, L. Mitchell, R. Charles, J. Robinson, T. Benbow, J. Bynum, C. Trimm.
How much time do you invest praising and thanking God, focusing on all the good gifts and blessings He has bestowed--versus the time you spend grumbling and complaining, focusing on all that is wrong and not what you imagine it should be?
- Not enough time. I think my time spent grumbling and complaining has been greater than the time spent on praising and thanking. I need to change that before this new year starts.
I say YES, I Surrender!
What five strengths, abilities, or talents about yourself are you grateful for?
- Writing, reading, studying, listening, creativity
List five opportunities or outcomes that you have not yet experienced that you can preemptively be grateful for?
- Publishing book, becoming bestseller, making first million, changing the inner city, making a legendary global impact
Who are the people in your life you are especially grateful for?
- Everyone who has given me a chance and has helped me. Particularly right now, T. Lee, N. Bennett, S. Bell, C. Richmond, O. McIntyre, L. Brown, G. Mitchell, L. Mitchell, R. Charles, J. Robinson, T. Benbow, J. Bynum, C. Trimm.
How much time do you invest praising and thanking God, focusing on all the good gifts and blessings He has bestowed--versus the time you spend grumbling and complaining, focusing on all that is wrong and not what you imagine it should be?
- Not enough time. I think my time spent grumbling and complaining has been greater than the time spent on praising and thanking. I need to change that before this new year starts.
I say YES, I Surrender!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Day 21 - Embracing/Faith (Tiffany)
So who do you say you are?
Interesting question to reflect on as this year is coming to a close. I have had a very interesting year, where I walked by faith and got caught up in so much of the attacks faced with which were definitely distractions of the enemy to get my eyes of the course. What's been even harder for me is that I've had difficulty in being sure of what God has said. I have been in a place of uncertainty due to all these events, especially within this past month.
After consistently getting confirmations about things this year, and letting go when I knew I was supposed to, this past month everything has flipped around to where I just don't feel certain about what God has said anymore because nothing looks like it. I feel like I am at the place where Abraham had to sacrifice Isaac, except there hasn't been any ram in the bush and everything right now looks like I just have to start over and go back to God because maybe I didn't really even hear Him correctly, I feel like maybe that wasn't God speaking but the enemy...yet I'm having a real hard time with it because I believe that God had sent so many confirmations.
I just don't know right about now and all I can do is trust God. Yep, I'll just trust God and that's what faith is about. I'm not so sure about if that was what He said anymore, but I know that He has me even in this place where I feel doubt. There is nothing in me that wants to give up, but I have been distracted with things that I would really like to have right now, but if I have those things right now, they won't be right and within His will. It's difficult because the enemy presented himself and I almost fell into his trance, but God made a way of escape, but he keeps tormenting my mind...only because I've ALLOWED him to. If I just stay focused on what I'm supposed to right now, this wouldn't even be an issue.
It's about saying no to what I think is good for me right now, which is really detrimental. The workings of this season of the year doesn't help, and with me being in such a low position, it's easy for me to say okay to these things, but I must be strong and trust that God has better and say no to my flesh right now, and believe by faith that God will do what He said He will do.
It's a faith walk.
I declare that I need a stable home for myself and my son, I declare that I need income by working in my anointing full-time and I declare that I need a husband that I have the capacity to help meet the vision that God has put in both of our hearts.
Interesting question to reflect on as this year is coming to a close. I have had a very interesting year, where I walked by faith and got caught up in so much of the attacks faced with which were definitely distractions of the enemy to get my eyes of the course. What's been even harder for me is that I've had difficulty in being sure of what God has said. I have been in a place of uncertainty due to all these events, especially within this past month.
After consistently getting confirmations about things this year, and letting go when I knew I was supposed to, this past month everything has flipped around to where I just don't feel certain about what God has said anymore because nothing looks like it. I feel like I am at the place where Abraham had to sacrifice Isaac, except there hasn't been any ram in the bush and everything right now looks like I just have to start over and go back to God because maybe I didn't really even hear Him correctly, I feel like maybe that wasn't God speaking but the enemy...yet I'm having a real hard time with it because I believe that God had sent so many confirmations.
I just don't know right about now and all I can do is trust God. Yep, I'll just trust God and that's what faith is about. I'm not so sure about if that was what He said anymore, but I know that He has me even in this place where I feel doubt. There is nothing in me that wants to give up, but I have been distracted with things that I would really like to have right now, but if I have those things right now, they won't be right and within His will. It's difficult because the enemy presented himself and I almost fell into his trance, but God made a way of escape, but he keeps tormenting my mind...only because I've ALLOWED him to. If I just stay focused on what I'm supposed to right now, this wouldn't even be an issue.
It's about saying no to what I think is good for me right now, which is really detrimental. The workings of this season of the year doesn't help, and with me being in such a low position, it's easy for me to say okay to these things, but I must be strong and trust that God has better and say no to my flesh right now, and believe by faith that God will do what He said He will do.
It's a faith walk.
I declare that I need a stable home for myself and my son, I declare that I need income by working in my anointing full-time and I declare that I need a husband that I have the capacity to help meet the vision that God has put in both of our hearts.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Day 20 - Conquering/Order (Tiffany)
It's very interesting that it has taken me so long to blog on this. With Day 19, I was really trying to establish vision and focus in my life and along with that came many distractions from fears and other things in my life that were trying to cause confusion. Today's topic really had me thinking on a spiritual level of those things that try to stop me from living God's will for my life, including things that I think I may want, but is not in His will. The devil is very crafty and will use events where you feel like you will bless someone's life, but it's really the disguise of the enemy trying to get you off center again, using half-truths.
- As you sit quietly in the presence of God, take an account if how you spend or allocate each hour of each day, just like an account of how you spend money or allocate calories.
- I know that each day going forward, I need to spend time with God for guidance direction (prayer, meditation, Word); writing; gym; business; serving
- How can you "reorder" your day to help you better order your thoughts?
- I can reorder my day by putting first things, first. Prayer, meditation and God's Word and not my own thoughts that pop up into my mind first. He will give me guidance in ordering my thoughts when I put Him first.
- How does the order, or lack of order, in your home, office, car, or garage affect the order, or lack of order, in your soul? Is there room for more order? How will you bring that to pass? When?
- I don't have a place of my own and in a confined area where my space is concerned. I'm trying to put order to these things because an unorganized area does create problems with the flow of the day. You can misplace keys and other things and it will have an effect on the day. It may affect the lack of order in my soul of truly taking my thoughts captive and having the mind of Christ. Lack of order around may mean that I hardly ever use biblical truths when faced with temptation or distraction. I tend to go with what's happening externally & not really walking by faith because I'm paying too much attention to the seen world and not the creative force of the unseen and speaking what I heard God say out.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Day 24 questions from PG
What does "greatness" look like to you?
If you were truly living like a a king and priest, or even simply as a "new creation in Christ," how would that look? How would it feel? How would you be different?
Get a vision for your God-created identity and write down everything you see.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Day 23 questions from PG
What do you hear God saying about who he has called you to be?
Paint a picture in your mind of your greatest possible future -- write down what you see.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Day 22 questions from PG
What 5 strengths, abilities, or talents about yourself are you grateful for?
List 5 opportunities or outcomes that you have not yet experienced that you can preemptively he grateful for (now you are building faith!).
Who are the people in your life you are especially grateful for? What can you do to make this known to them -- and when?
How much time do you invest praising and thanking God, focusing on all the good gifts and blessings He has bestowed -- versus the time you spend focusing on all that is wrong and not what you imagine it should be?
Day 21 questions from PG
Stir up your faith every moment of the day. Write down things that encourage your faith and place them where you can see them daily.
Pinpoint those things you struggle with on a day-to-day basis that keep you from making the most of your time or distract you in the arena of your mind. How can you start removing these distractions?
Exercise your faith -- declare what you need and confess victory over the hindrances keeping your authentic self from shining thru.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Day 20 questions from PG
As you sit quietly in the presence of God, take an account if how you spend or allocate each hour of each day, just like an account of how you spend money or allocate calories.
How can you "reorder" your day to help you better order your thoughts?
How does the order, or lack of order, in your home, office, car, or garage affect the order, or lack of order, in your soul? Is there room for more order? How will you bring that to pass? When?
Friday, December 6, 2013
Juanita Bynum - One Focus
Getting FOCUSED in order to move through life with success and precision
I thought about this video since this week seems to be about how we think and on focusing. This message is transformational and I would like to include it as part of the Soul Fast journey! :-)Day 19 - Envisioning/Focus (Tiffany)
I made a plan about a month or two ago that I would read my Bible out loud for 30 minutes a day so that I could get used to myself speaking and be comfortable with my speaking so that when I'm more comfortable when I have to speak to others and communicate with them. Well, I just started yesterday and I'm doing it through the New Testament and have gotten further than expected in reading aloud. Today, God was highlighting certain passages along the way, as He did yesterday...but today it was really valuable, I could hear Him speaking to me through this text and I'm grateful because it has a lot to do with what I had been seeing externally where I feel that He has placed a burden inside of me.
With that being said, I found this the other day and I am going to make it a point to get through this before the weekend is over so that I know where my focus should go:
A Clean Sheet
Recently I was teaching in a training school for emerging leaders in California. During a question and answer session someone asked me, "What are you seeing for the year 2014?"
I responded to the question by saying that at the end of each year, I would normally ask and wait concerning a word from the Lord for the upcoming year. I did not, however, have a specific word at that time. As I was responding to the question, the Lord gave me a picture.
saw an immense sheet of paper that covered a huge tabletop. The sheet
was so large it extended out to the edge of the visible horizon line
where it disappeared. The paper was brilliant white. Nothing was written
on the paper – it was a clean sheet.
The next day, after returning home from the ministry trip, the image came to me once again. This time I saw a large pen – one of those antique, feathered writing pens – it descended down into the image and rested just above the surface of the unmarked sheet of paper. As the pen was suspended over the paper the Lord began to speak to me.
"I Want You to Write a Large Future"
"I want you to write something new. I did not just erase words from the past. Rather, I have provided a new place for you to write a fresh script for your life. This is something new I am inviting you to write.
"This is your assignment. I want you to write a large future – a future that may seem presumptive at first. I give you permission to presume on My goodness.
"Write like a person who has discovered My love for the first time. I want you to write in excitement without punctuation. I want your writing to be breathless with anticipation and expectation – a writing that flows from an increasing excitement at what might be.
"I promised in My Word to give you the desires of your heart.
I instructed David to write the words, 'Delight yourself in Lord and He
will give you the desires of your heart.' I am telling you to delight
yourself in Me as you write and I will give you the desires of your
"As you write, your inspiration will come from the increasing level of your delight in Me. Write as a lover would write from the depths of a shared passion. Write from your delight in Me and let your passion for Me fuel your text."
When the Lord finished speaking, the pen was still suspended above the sheet of paper. I sensed the pen was waiting for a hand to reach out and take it and begin writing.
Our Heart's Desire is Purified When We First Delight in Him
God has provided us with prophetic paper, pen and ink. He wants us to believe He is comfortable with His children writing out a new future as He watches. Our delighting in the Lord protects what will be written. Our heart's desire is purified when we first delight in Him. Our delighting in God must precede our desire for a new future if our desire is to remain pure.

Pick up the pen and begin to write:
• Write a new future for your family.
• Write a new future for your health.
• Write a new future for your church.
• Write a new future for your finances.
• Write a new future for your nation.
• Write a new future for your dream.
• Write a new future for your ministry.
• Write a new future for your city.
Write! Write! Write with a delight in God's goodness. The words you write will invite the promises of God to come and join the text of your future. This new script will become the story of a new chapter in your life that is about to unfold in 2014.
With that being said, I found this the other day and I am going to make it a point to get through this before the weekend is over so that I know where my focus should go:
Garris Elkins:
"I Want You to Write a Large Future"
Recently I was teaching in a training school for emerging leaders in California. During a question and answer session someone asked me, "What are you seeing for the year 2014?"
I responded to the question by saying that at the end of each year, I would normally ask and wait concerning a word from the Lord for the upcoming year. I did not, however, have a specific word at that time. As I was responding to the question, the Lord gave me a picture.
The next day, after returning home from the ministry trip, the image came to me once again. This time I saw a large pen – one of those antique, feathered writing pens – it descended down into the image and rested just above the surface of the unmarked sheet of paper. As the pen was suspended over the paper the Lord began to speak to me.
"I Want You to Write a Large Future"
"I want you to write something new. I did not just erase words from the past. Rather, I have provided a new place for you to write a fresh script for your life. This is something new I am inviting you to write.
"This is your assignment. I want you to write a large future – a future that may seem presumptive at first. I give you permission to presume on My goodness.
"Write like a person who has discovered My love for the first time. I want you to write in excitement without punctuation. I want your writing to be breathless with anticipation and expectation – a writing that flows from an increasing excitement at what might be.
"As you write, your inspiration will come from the increasing level of your delight in Me. Write as a lover would write from the depths of a shared passion. Write from your delight in Me and let your passion for Me fuel your text."
When the Lord finished speaking, the pen was still suspended above the sheet of paper. I sensed the pen was waiting for a hand to reach out and take it and begin writing.
Our Heart's Desire is Purified When We First Delight in Him
God has provided us with prophetic paper, pen and ink. He wants us to believe He is comfortable with His children writing out a new future as He watches. Our delighting in the Lord protects what will be written. Our heart's desire is purified when we first delight in Him. Our delighting in God must precede our desire for a new future if our desire is to remain pure.
Pick up the pen and begin to write:
• Write a new future for your family.
• Write a new future for your health.
• Write a new future for your church.
• Write a new future for your finances.
• Write a new future for your nation.
• Write a new future for your dream.
• Write a new future for your ministry.
• Write a new future for your city.
Write! Write! Write with a delight in God's goodness. The words you write will invite the promises of God to come and join the text of your future. This new script will become the story of a new chapter in your life that is about to unfold in 2014.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Day 18 - Focusing/Authenticity (Tiffany)
Focus & Authenticity
Amos 7:7-8
7 Thus He showed me, and behold, the Lord stood upon a wall with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand.
8 And
the Lord said to me, Amos, what do you see? And I said, A plumb line.
Then said the Lord, Behold, I am setting a plumb line as a standard in
the midst of My people Israel. I will not pass by and spare them any more [the door of mercy is shut].
I'm not so sure that I know God's exact original blueprint for my life. I'm just now learning how to take my hands off of things and letting Him guide me. When it comes to things that I know that He doesn't want me to do, I'm pretty much good with not doing those things. However, there is the sin of omission. God wants me to be prosperous, but I've been trying for years to develop better habits so that I can not only sow, but reap. It's difficult and I find myself losing focus on those goals, especially when something exciting is the horizon in my life. I like to tend to those things and then I end up not getting the important things done. You cannot move forward in life if you lack consistency in those areas. You cannot expect to be a business owner when you're to lazy to do work. As a matter of fact, business owners usually work non-stop and squeeze free-time in other time. They have to have a level of focus so that the business can survive, eight hours is not enough.
I am realigning my life so that it reflects the authentic me that God has made me to be, by really seeing what my assignments are and committing my heart to the plan along with the process and not quitting when opposition flies my way.
I'm not so sure that I know God's exact original blueprint for my life. I'm just now learning how to take my hands off of things and letting Him guide me. When it comes to things that I know that He doesn't want me to do, I'm pretty much good with not doing those things. However, there is the sin of omission. God wants me to be prosperous, but I've been trying for years to develop better habits so that I can not only sow, but reap. It's difficult and I find myself losing focus on those goals, especially when something exciting is the horizon in my life. I like to tend to those things and then I end up not getting the important things done. You cannot move forward in life if you lack consistency in those areas. You cannot expect to be a business owner when you're to lazy to do work. As a matter of fact, business owners usually work non-stop and squeeze free-time in other time. They have to have a level of focus so that the business can survive, eight hours is not enough.
I am realigning my life so that it reflects the authentic me that God has made me to be, by really seeing what my assignments are and committing my heart to the plan along with the process and not quitting when opposition flies my way.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Day 19 questions from PG
What is God calling you to do? Focus on your calling, not your circumstances.
What is it you want more of? If you want more of God and His Power working in your life, focus on God and His Power!
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want! Do not allow anything or anyone to alter your focus.
Day 13 resting/uniqueness
Resting.... I don't believe I rest at all... Spiritually or physically...
I mean I do have bouts of rest, moments of concentrated rest, but if I'm to be honest, they don't last long... My mind is ALWAYS racing... My thinking & thought processes are my biggest battle in life!
THAT, partnered with the fact that I have an issue with seeing the good in me (cause I'm always focused on what's wrong) is probably grounds for a serious spiritual intervention! Do I even have specialties, uniqueness, strengths, and talents??? I gotta pray & dig deep...
*pause for a moment of prayer*
5 aspects of my personality that make me special...
My smile
I'm not easily angered (my kids may disagree)
I'm kind to everyone
That's it, I can't think of 2 more...
5 desires that are uniquely mine
To increase my relationship with God
To have invest and nurture a successful marriage
Parent & nurture God-fearing Christ-like children
To further my education
Get out of debt
5 strengths that I bring to the table
I'm strong; I'm a survivor
I'm responsible
Can't think of 3 more :(
(Sadly, if it were asking for 5 weaknesses I could easily come up with 20... Smh)
5 talents God has given me to steward
Motherhood!!! (Yes, motherhood IS a talent! Especially when your dealing with 7 different personalities)
That was extremely hard... Goodnight!
Day 17 Receiving/Effortlessness (Tiffany)
I think that I find it hard to do things effortlessly. I'm working on scheduling so that things in my life will line up. I sometimes have a hard time adding something to my life as a discipline...for instance, I want to be more effective with my finances and I set a schedule to read this book that would help in that, but I find it hard to stay consistent in new areas..this is where I think I have to choose to move forward in my destiny by being intentional about where I want to go, but at the same time not limiting God.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Day 18 questions from PG
If God were to drop a plumb line into the building you've created of your life, how aligned would it be with his original blueprint for you?
How can you realign your life so that if reflects the authentic you God had in mind?
Day 12 restoring / simplicity (Dommi)
Obedience is better than sacrifice!!! My Dad used to tell us that all the time!!
So, I'm really learning how to truly walk in love... It's so very easy to show love & kindness to kind & loving people, but much more of a challenge with the unkind, unlovely, stubborn, mean, angry, and foolish people in my life... I am however learning how to get over MYSELF and show love & kindness anyhow. I have been making progress in simply showing love rather than picking a person apart & pointing out everything that's wrong with them. I have really tried to focus on correcting myself and changing my own bad habits rather than preaching to everyone about theirs. It's "simple," yet very hard to do... I realize that God is the only one who can change a person, certainly not me... I'm learning how to give my love freely rather than in exchange for control or doing things MY way... I have also learned that the more I practice walking in love, the more genuine it is...
Day 11 becoming / discipline (Dommi)
It's funny that I said this yesterday, that I need some discipline in my life & tho I'm behind, that happened to be my characteristic for today! Discipline! God will surely give you what you need when you need it! Lol...
Exercising a disciplined life in God is lining up my spirit, mind, heart, and actions to the Word of God! EVEN WHEN I DONT FEEL LIKE IT!! That's key! That's discipline! Do it anyway! Not letting any other distraction deter you from gettin it in with God!!
I seen this post on FB a while back that said -- Scandal is on! Do not come over, call, text, message, FB, or twitter me between 10-11!! I laughed, but seriously, that's how I need to be about gettin into Gods Word!! Don't call me, text me, etc... Lol
Something I need to do for certain is designate a certain time of day to study Gods Word & stick to it without fail! Even if that means taking a ride with no kids to a quiet place to study for an hour...
Another thought is to include them in it and get them started early in disciplining themselves to study Gods Word as well...
Spiritual Discipline for the Busy Person
Spiritual Discipline for the Busy Person
Here is a very insightful radio interview about exercising spiritual discipline within a busy schedule. Hope it's of assistance, for we all need to figure out our balance while on our soul's journey with the Lord and here on earth!
Find Additional Spirituality Podcasts with ulmuhammad on BlogTalkRadio
Day 17 questions from PG
Where do you need more "know-how" -- or where in your life are you feeling opposition or boxed in? What does not feel effortless?
Try putting effort instead into pursuing God's rest. Practice "being still" and trusting God to lift you up so you soar -- no, vault -- effortlessly over the highest fences.
Keep company with God so you learn to live freely and lightly.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Day 16 - Believing/Beauty (Tiffany)
Relaxing and respond to God's giving is letting whatever it is that's been on your mind go. Once you carry to the Lord in prayer, leave it there with Him, He will work it out. I think that we can do a better with our time by praising the Lord. When we praise God, we rest in Him, we're still and are able to worship, our minds are off of everything because we are letting Him handle it.
I'm long overdue for a beauty treatment for my soul. I have not rested in years, holding on to things that I should have been given to God in prayer, and my life is the way it is because either I didn't bother to take those things to Him, or once I did pray about it, I kept thinking about it, kept wanting to check on it, and putting my hands in the middle of it, instead of allowing Him to work it! When we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, those things that are of concern to us will be added...sometimes all we need to be is in a place of worship to seek His Kingdom...it's not always about serving and ministering to others...sometimes all He wants is our praise.
I'm long overdue for a beauty treatment for my soul. I have not rested in years, holding on to things that I should have been given to God in prayer, and my life is the way it is because either I didn't bother to take those things to Him, or once I did pray about it, I kept thinking about it, kept wanting to check on it, and putting my hands in the middle of it, instead of allowing Him to work it! When we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, those things that are of concern to us will be added...sometimes all we need to be is in a place of worship to seek His Kingdom...it's not always about serving and ministering to others...sometimes all He wants is our praise.
Day 10 seeing (goodness) Dommi
In examining my life, habits, heart, and thoughts, I realize they are not always an expression of the life of Christ in me. At times a lot of times I walk in depression camouflaged by a smile... I have an attitude, and tho I don't always appear unhappy or necessarily act unhappy, I am dying on the inside. I don't see how the goodness of God can dwell in such an unhappy place...
If I could concentrate on God's Word and continue speaking it over my life on a consistent basis instead of always holding on to my anger and disappointments, things would be better and I could definitely be walking in "every form of Godliness."
One negative thing l can replace with something positive is as I've stated before to not hold on to offenses & to walk in forgiveness and love...
Day 16 questions from PG
What would it look like to relax and " respond to God's giving" -- to simply "be still and rest in The Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself" (Psalms 37:7 AMP)? What kind of a beauty treatment would that be for your soul?
Create space in your life for a spiritual beauty spa. Soak in God's presence. Allow God's Spirit to wash away any impurities, to peel away the old, dead things and soften the rough places.
Stop striving. Stop fussing. Relax in the beautiful you God created you to be and worship him I'm that beauty.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
WEEK FOUR: The Properties Of Thought You Are What You Think
We are already nearing the halfway mark in our eight-week series! This is where the
rubber really begins to meet the road!
Hopefully, by now you have a better understanding of the nature of your soul. As the
seat of your mind, will, and emotions, your soul is the navigational center of your life.
You can harness your thoughts like a sailor harnesses the winds to take you wherever
you want to go. In the words of poet William Ernest Henley, “[You] are the master of
your fate, [you] are the captain of your soul!”
In his timeless classic, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen observed, “All that a man
achieves or fails to achieve is a direct result of his own thoughts.”
Believe it or not, your life moves in the direction of your thoughts. Thoughts are the
ever-present currents that move you either closer or further away from your best future.
This is what makes faith so powerful –- “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things unseen” (Hebrews 11:1). The hopes and dreams you allow to fill your mind
have the power to transform the world around you.
You’ve heard me say that God speaks to you at the speed of thought—and that thought
moves at the speed of light.
As quickly as light illuminates a room, a single thought can illuminate your life. You are
always only one thought away from living the life of your dreams—one decision away
from changing your destiny.
Like short-wave radio signals, your thoughts send messages out on a specific frequency
and are transmitted back to you as an experience or occurrence in your life. Your
thoughts create a magnetic field around you—attracting either positive or negative
What you think has the power to literally transform your life!
Your life is what your thoughts make it. James Allen wrote that a person “will find that as
he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter
towards him.”
This is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that we attract into our lives whatever we
focus on as a result of the energy that is exchanged in the process.
Because all matter—seen and unseen—is comprised of energy, the energy created by
our unseen thoughts either attracts or repels the energy matter of what we ultimately
see and experience as a result.
This phenomena is rooted in the findings of quantum physics—which found that nothing
in the universe is static due to the fact that all matter is vibrating energy—raw energy
that responds to the vibrations of our thoughts, so that consequently “what we now see
did not come from anything that can be seen” (Hebrews 11:3 NLT). To repeat, it is the
essence of faith: “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”
(Hebrews 11:1 NKJV).
Everything you see began in the unseen realm. The first book of the Bible tells us that
God spoke the earth into existence—“the worlds were framed by the word of God”
(Hebrews 11:3). Yet before God’s word ever was, there were His thoughts.
The source of all energy—and all matter—is the mind of God. The Creator—the
Great Imaginarian—in Whose image you were created.
Your thoughts are powerful. If you want to change your life, you must change your
thoughts. If you want to unstick or unclutter your life, you must first unstick and unclutter
your thoughts.
How are unhealthy soul toxins and debilitating soul ties created in the first place? How
can you end up cluttering your soul simply by the thoughts that you think?
It is due to this exchange of energy that takes place when you give something your
attention, entertain it in your mind, meditate upon it, and talk about it. What you invest
mental energy in is what you tie your soul to, both positively and negatively.
As currents of electricity create electromagnetic fields connecting positive or negative
charges, your thoughts create similar fields. Your positive thoughts attract positive
attachments; your negative thoughts attract negative attachments. Whatever your soul
can conceive, there is potential for attachment. As a mother will form attachments to the
life conceived within her, so your soul forms attachments to whatever it conceives.
The seed of a thought, like the seed of a life, when planted will always result in an
exchange of energy and therefore some kind of an attachment. Whether aborted or
stillborn, an exchange of energy has taken place.
An exchange takes place through investments of time, energy, attention, and action in
the form of thoughts, deeds, or words. Exchanges can be both intentional and
Sometimes we can be completely oblivious to what we’ve attached our souls—
something may have taken hold in our mind because we inadvertently paid attention to
it for too long. I believe this is why Isaiah stated, “he who stops his ears from hearing of
bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil . . . will dwell on high” (Isaiah 33:15-16).
You have to be careful about what you pay attention to—what you spend time and
energy thinking about and dwelling upon. Your life will move in the direction of what
you contemplate. As it says in Proverbs, “Guard your heart above all else, for it
determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). What consumes your thoughts
gives you a good indication of what ties your soul.
Our thoughts, intentions, motivations, and aspirations—whether they be secretly
pondered in the heart, openly declared as a desire, or formally written as goals—mold
and shape our personal universe into something either grand and beautiful or base and
hideous. Whatever you harbor in the innermost corridors of your thought-life will,
sooner or later, reveal itself in the outer arena of your life.
Whatever is hidden will eventually be brought to light. First Corinthians 4:5 states that
God “will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes
of the heart.”
Just as a seed is for a time hidden underground, it will eventually breakthrough the
surface and it’s true essence will ultimately be revealed.
Everything you see in the natural began as a spiritual seed—a thought.
The temporal realm has its roots in the spiritual. Grabbing hold of this profound spiritual
truth will enable you to make some critical connections that can transform your life.
Once you understand that the spiritual realm is the “causal realm,” you will begin
to grasp the massive power of your thoughts, ideas, words, and prayers—
spiritual things that engineer, mold, and craft the current and future state of your
temporal existence.
Proverbs tells us, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he,” (Proverbs 23:7). Your outer
world is a direct result of your inner world.
Every circumstance in life is a result of a choice—and every choice is the result of a
thought. All those things that fill your mind hold the keys to your reality. Make it a habit
to examine what your thoughts are chasing after.
We must learn to harness our thoughts if we are to effectively reign as kings and priests
in this earth. We must understand who we were created to be as children of God and
the authority we have in Christ. We have inherited the kingdom and been given
dominion over all our adversaries—and we must think like it!
We are told in Ephesians 6:12 that our fight is not with flesh and blood, but with powers
and principalities—a fight that can’t be won with our hands, only with our minds. You
must become as skilled in your thoughts as a swordsman is with his sword. Taking
control of your thoughts will cause you to gain control of your life. That is what putting
on the armor of God is all about. (See Ephesians 6:14-17.)
Therefore, the first thing we must do in taking possession of God’s promises is to take
possession of our thoughts. This might not appear to require a great deal of skill or
effort, let alone training or practice, but there is only one thing harder to master than
your thoughts, and that is your tongue! (See James 3:8.)
Winning the battle in your thought-life requires meditating daily on the truths found in
Scripture, studying the Word of God so you are able to prove yourself when necessary,
and becoming an earnest and life-long student of the art of spiritual warfare.
Throughout the New Testament we are told that our battles do not take place in the
temporal realm but in the spiritual realm. We are told in nearly every epistle, “fear not,
only believe” (Mark 5:36), “gird up the loins of your mind” (1 Peter 1:3), “renew your
mind” (Romans 12:2), and “put on the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). We are
taught in Romans that to “set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the
Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).
We are instructed to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” because “the weapons
of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds . . .
every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Every battle is won or lost in the arena of your mind.
If you do not take control of your inner thoughts you will become a slave to the outer
circumstances created by the storm raging in your mind. The divine spirit within you
won’t be driving your life, the changing weather and currents of your thought-life will.
You must command your thoughts as Jesus commanded the sea. (See Luke 8:24.)
Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Your Thoughts
Whatever your predominant focus is, that is what you give permission to exist in your
life. Jabez chose to focus on his future desires rather than his present circumstances.
Many times people focus on the negative and they live in a cycle of negativity. You have
to choose to focus on the positive. You have to train your mind to think on whatever is
honest, virtuous, and praiseworthy. (See Philippians 4:8.)
Whatever is going wrong in your life is a result of your focus. If you don’t like something
you are experiencing, change your focus.
In Genesis 13:14-18, God taught Abraham something about focus. He told him to look
at the territory he was giving him, to walk the land in every direction, and visualize the
expanse of his legacy. He took him to the seashore, had him run sand through his
fingers, and said, “For every grain of sand, you will have a descendant.”
What did God train Abraham to do? He trained him to focus on bigger thoughts. He
taught him how to visualize his destiny.
If you plan to change your future, do not focus on things or people or circumstances that
are smaller than what you are truly desiring.
Your focus will either feed your faith or confirm your fears. Learn to think like
Abraham. Think intentionally, generationally, and even globally. You can never think too
big or God!
You must also train your mind to think in the present—to think positively in the present
tense (in grammatical terms that would be “the present perfect”). Think about the thing
you want, what you hope to achieve, the person you plan to marry, and so on, as if you
are already in possession of what you desire. Condition your mind to accept these
thoughts and you will draw these opportunities and experiences to yourself.
Your success and prosperity hinge on what lies within your mind.
Sometimes the first thing you need to change is what you think God wants for you. He
wants you to live a life of abundance. It is His desire to give you divine universal secrets
to great success and prosperity.
There are many people who may not be as spiritual as you are, but nevertheless they
have been able to tap into something great. Whether by accident or providence, they
are living lives beyond their wildest dreams, and you can too. You must say to yourself,
until this fact becomes a conviction, “God wants me to live in abundance!”
A world of possibilities is waiting to be released “if you can but only believe.” Jesus said
in Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
In Genesis 11, the people thought to themselves that they could build a tower to
heaven, and because they saw this tower in their minds they were able to build it. God
stopped them by causing confusion and making it impossible for them to communicate,
because the tower became an idol to them. Nevertheless, this story wonderfully
illustrates the power of our thoughts: “Nothing they have imagined they can do will
be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:6).
Man begins with a concept in his mind, something he believes he is able to
accomplish; he joins his will and intellect to his imagination, and then the power
of expectation sees it through.
Every great achievement begins as a thought in the imagination of a person. Every
thought is birthed in the spirit. Achievement, therefore, is a spiritual process.
Based on your ability to harness your imagination, life’s opportunities either shrink or
expand. Albert Einstein said, “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my
imagination. Imagination is more than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination
encircles the world.”
Imagination drives the engine of innovation, discovery, problem solving, and
peace making.
Whatever can be imagined already exists; it simply exists in another dimension—in
another form or substance—and that is the source of all inspiration.
God conceived and by His Spirit spoke into existence all that is. He brought what
already was in the spiritual into the temporal by the power of His Word. He breathes that
creative force—His very Spirit—into a human being at the moment a person receives
that Word into their heart.
It is His Spirit—the creative power of His Word—within an individual that gives
inspiration and understanding of what already exists in the spiritual realm. “There is a
spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand” (Job 32:8). That
spirit in you has always existed—it is eternal—and it is the source of all revelation
and inspiration.
Our lives are built by a series of thoughts, much like bricks are used to build a house.
The bricks are what bring the structure forth from a piece of paper and make it threedimensional.
As a man thinks in his heart—in the present active continuum—as he
continues to think—he builds his life one brick at a time.
Your every present thought is a significant building block in determining the quality of
your future. Many of us build lives like shanties while others build mansions. If your
thoughts are inferior your life will be inferior, but if your thoughts are lofty and honorable
you are laying the foundation to live accordingly.
Purpose to think inspired thoughts. Inspiration is a God thing. Inspiration is God Himself
speaking into the heart of a human being. Inspirational thoughts are God’s way of
finding expression through the minds of ordinary men and women. According to Isaiah
29:11, God’s thoughts are always good and not evil. I want to remind you that
God is up to something good, and He has you in mind!
Enlarge Your Territory
There is a direct correlation between the quality of your thoughts and the quality of your
life. What you think determines who you are, it determines what you are, where you go,
what you acquire, where you live, who you love, where you work, what you accomplish,
what you read, and so on.
You will never have more, or go further, or accomplish greater things than your
thoughts will allow you. Therefore, you must create an opulent thinking environment
in order to create an opulent life.
When you alter your thoughts, you alter your life. Your life is a reflection of your most
dominant thoughts and meditations. When you meditate on success, you live a
successful life.
The trouble for most people is that they don’t know exactly what success would look like
for them as individuals, or more importantly, what it would feel like personally. It is not
enough to just meditate on success generally—you need to be specific.
Become the architect of your future. Use your thoughts like an architect uses a
blueprint. Think about every detail. An architect not only thinks about the rooms in a
house, but the types of windows, the size of closets, the location of outlets, and so on.
Nothing is too insignificant. Think big—but think detailed!
If you want to progress in life, you’ve got to think progressive thoughts. To do so,
something new must replace the old. You’ve got to think beyond where you are.
Alexander Graham Bell thought beyond the limitation of the dots and dashes of the
Morse code, and went on to replace the telegraph when he invented the telephone.
Become a visionary—be creative. Take the limits off your mind!
This is the challenge of creative thinking—you’ve got to open the spiritual channels of
your mind so that God can download divine creative thoughts into your brain. When
other people were unable to see what was going on in heaven, Jesus could.
• Spend some quality time with God and ask him to enlarge your capacity for
thinking and imagining—ask him to help you take the limits off.
That’s what Jabez did.
In Chronicles 4:10, Jabez prayed, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my
territory.” Not only did Jabez ask God to expand the capacity of his mind, but he asked
God to protect it as well. He prayed to the Lord that, “Your hand would be with me, and
that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.”
Jabez knew that every evil thought he conceived would ultimately bring forth pain.
Do yourself—and the world—a tremendous favor by getting the toxins out of your soul
by taking control of your thought life.
This week we are focusing on the characteristics of beauty, effortlessness, authenticity,
focus, and order. Take some time to think about and discuss:
• What your thoughts are on your thoughts.
• How have you experienced “thinking for a change” in your own life?
Proverbs 4:23-27 MSG: Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.
Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.
Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and
the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the
rubber really begins to meet the road!
Hopefully, by now you have a better understanding of the nature of your soul. As the
seat of your mind, will, and emotions, your soul is the navigational center of your life.
You can harness your thoughts like a sailor harnesses the winds to take you wherever
you want to go. In the words of poet William Ernest Henley, “[You] are the master of
your fate, [you] are the captain of your soul!”
In his timeless classic, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen observed, “All that a man
achieves or fails to achieve is a direct result of his own thoughts.”
Believe it or not, your life moves in the direction of your thoughts. Thoughts are the
ever-present currents that move you either closer or further away from your best future.
This is what makes faith so powerful –- “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things unseen” (Hebrews 11:1). The hopes and dreams you allow to fill your mind
have the power to transform the world around you.
You’ve heard me say that God speaks to you at the speed of thought—and that thought
moves at the speed of light.
As quickly as light illuminates a room, a single thought can illuminate your life. You are
always only one thought away from living the life of your dreams—one decision away
from changing your destiny.
Like short-wave radio signals, your thoughts send messages out on a specific frequency
and are transmitted back to you as an experience or occurrence in your life. Your
thoughts create a magnetic field around you—attracting either positive or negative
What you think has the power to literally transform your life!
Your life is what your thoughts make it. James Allen wrote that a person “will find that as
he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter
towards him.”
This is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that we attract into our lives whatever we
focus on as a result of the energy that is exchanged in the process.
Because all matter—seen and unseen—is comprised of energy, the energy created by
our unseen thoughts either attracts or repels the energy matter of what we ultimately
see and experience as a result.
This phenomena is rooted in the findings of quantum physics—which found that nothing
in the universe is static due to the fact that all matter is vibrating energy—raw energy
that responds to the vibrations of our thoughts, so that consequently “what we now see
did not come from anything that can be seen” (Hebrews 11:3 NLT). To repeat, it is the
essence of faith: “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”
(Hebrews 11:1 NKJV).
Everything you see began in the unseen realm. The first book of the Bible tells us that
God spoke the earth into existence—“the worlds were framed by the word of God”
(Hebrews 11:3). Yet before God’s word ever was, there were His thoughts.
The source of all energy—and all matter—is the mind of God. The Creator—the
Great Imaginarian—in Whose image you were created.
Your thoughts are powerful. If you want to change your life, you must change your
thoughts. If you want to unstick or unclutter your life, you must first unstick and unclutter
your thoughts.
How are unhealthy soul toxins and debilitating soul ties created in the first place? How
can you end up cluttering your soul simply by the thoughts that you think?
It is due to this exchange of energy that takes place when you give something your
attention, entertain it in your mind, meditate upon it, and talk about it. What you invest
mental energy in is what you tie your soul to, both positively and negatively.
As currents of electricity create electromagnetic fields connecting positive or negative
charges, your thoughts create similar fields. Your positive thoughts attract positive
attachments; your negative thoughts attract negative attachments. Whatever your soul
can conceive, there is potential for attachment. As a mother will form attachments to the
life conceived within her, so your soul forms attachments to whatever it conceives.
The seed of a thought, like the seed of a life, when planted will always result in an
exchange of energy and therefore some kind of an attachment. Whether aborted or
stillborn, an exchange of energy has taken place.
An exchange takes place through investments of time, energy, attention, and action in
the form of thoughts, deeds, or words. Exchanges can be both intentional and
Sometimes we can be completely oblivious to what we’ve attached our souls—
something may have taken hold in our mind because we inadvertently paid attention to
it for too long. I believe this is why Isaiah stated, “he who stops his ears from hearing of
bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil . . . will dwell on high” (Isaiah 33:15-16).
You have to be careful about what you pay attention to—what you spend time and
energy thinking about and dwelling upon. Your life will move in the direction of what
you contemplate. As it says in Proverbs, “Guard your heart above all else, for it
determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). What consumes your thoughts
gives you a good indication of what ties your soul.
Our thoughts, intentions, motivations, and aspirations—whether they be secretly
pondered in the heart, openly declared as a desire, or formally written as goals—mold
and shape our personal universe into something either grand and beautiful or base and
hideous. Whatever you harbor in the innermost corridors of your thought-life will,
sooner or later, reveal itself in the outer arena of your life.
Whatever is hidden will eventually be brought to light. First Corinthians 4:5 states that
God “will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes
of the heart.”
Just as a seed is for a time hidden underground, it will eventually breakthrough the
surface and it’s true essence will ultimately be revealed.
Everything you see in the natural began as a spiritual seed—a thought.
The temporal realm has its roots in the spiritual. Grabbing hold of this profound spiritual
truth will enable you to make some critical connections that can transform your life.
Once you understand that the spiritual realm is the “causal realm,” you will begin
to grasp the massive power of your thoughts, ideas, words, and prayers—
spiritual things that engineer, mold, and craft the current and future state of your
temporal existence.
Proverbs tells us, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he,” (Proverbs 23:7). Your outer
world is a direct result of your inner world.
Every circumstance in life is a result of a choice—and every choice is the result of a
thought. All those things that fill your mind hold the keys to your reality. Make it a habit
to examine what your thoughts are chasing after.
We must learn to harness our thoughts if we are to effectively reign as kings and priests
in this earth. We must understand who we were created to be as children of God and
the authority we have in Christ. We have inherited the kingdom and been given
dominion over all our adversaries—and we must think like it!
We are told in Ephesians 6:12 that our fight is not with flesh and blood, but with powers
and principalities—a fight that can’t be won with our hands, only with our minds. You
must become as skilled in your thoughts as a swordsman is with his sword. Taking
control of your thoughts will cause you to gain control of your life. That is what putting
on the armor of God is all about. (See Ephesians 6:14-17.)
Therefore, the first thing we must do in taking possession of God’s promises is to take
possession of our thoughts. This might not appear to require a great deal of skill or
effort, let alone training or practice, but there is only one thing harder to master than
your thoughts, and that is your tongue! (See James 3:8.)
Winning the battle in your thought-life requires meditating daily on the truths found in
Scripture, studying the Word of God so you are able to prove yourself when necessary,
and becoming an earnest and life-long student of the art of spiritual warfare.
Throughout the New Testament we are told that our battles do not take place in the
temporal realm but in the spiritual realm. We are told in nearly every epistle, “fear not,
only believe” (Mark 5:36), “gird up the loins of your mind” (1 Peter 1:3), “renew your
mind” (Romans 12:2), and “put on the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). We are
taught in Romans that to “set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the
Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).
We are instructed to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” because “the weapons
of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds . . .
every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Every battle is won or lost in the arena of your mind.
If you do not take control of your inner thoughts you will become a slave to the outer
circumstances created by the storm raging in your mind. The divine spirit within you
won’t be driving your life, the changing weather and currents of your thought-life will.
You must command your thoughts as Jesus commanded the sea. (See Luke 8:24.)
Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Your Thoughts
Whatever your predominant focus is, that is what you give permission to exist in your
life. Jabez chose to focus on his future desires rather than his present circumstances.
Many times people focus on the negative and they live in a cycle of negativity. You have
to choose to focus on the positive. You have to train your mind to think on whatever is
honest, virtuous, and praiseworthy. (See Philippians 4:8.)
Whatever is going wrong in your life is a result of your focus. If you don’t like something
you are experiencing, change your focus.
In Genesis 13:14-18, God taught Abraham something about focus. He told him to look
at the territory he was giving him, to walk the land in every direction, and visualize the
expanse of his legacy. He took him to the seashore, had him run sand through his
fingers, and said, “For every grain of sand, you will have a descendant.”
What did God train Abraham to do? He trained him to focus on bigger thoughts. He
taught him how to visualize his destiny.
If you plan to change your future, do not focus on things or people or circumstances that
are smaller than what you are truly desiring.
Your focus will either feed your faith or confirm your fears. Learn to think like
Abraham. Think intentionally, generationally, and even globally. You can never think too
big or God!
You must also train your mind to think in the present—to think positively in the present
tense (in grammatical terms that would be “the present perfect”). Think about the thing
you want, what you hope to achieve, the person you plan to marry, and so on, as if you
are already in possession of what you desire. Condition your mind to accept these
thoughts and you will draw these opportunities and experiences to yourself.
Your success and prosperity hinge on what lies within your mind.
Sometimes the first thing you need to change is what you think God wants for you. He
wants you to live a life of abundance. It is His desire to give you divine universal secrets
to great success and prosperity.
There are many people who may not be as spiritual as you are, but nevertheless they
have been able to tap into something great. Whether by accident or providence, they
are living lives beyond their wildest dreams, and you can too. You must say to yourself,
until this fact becomes a conviction, “God wants me to live in abundance!”
A world of possibilities is waiting to be released “if you can but only believe.” Jesus said
in Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
In Genesis 11, the people thought to themselves that they could build a tower to
heaven, and because they saw this tower in their minds they were able to build it. God
stopped them by causing confusion and making it impossible for them to communicate,
because the tower became an idol to them. Nevertheless, this story wonderfully
illustrates the power of our thoughts: “Nothing they have imagined they can do will
be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:6).
Man begins with a concept in his mind, something he believes he is able to
accomplish; he joins his will and intellect to his imagination, and then the power
of expectation sees it through.
Every great achievement begins as a thought in the imagination of a person. Every
thought is birthed in the spirit. Achievement, therefore, is a spiritual process.
Based on your ability to harness your imagination, life’s opportunities either shrink or
expand. Albert Einstein said, “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my
imagination. Imagination is more than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination
encircles the world.”
Imagination drives the engine of innovation, discovery, problem solving, and
peace making.
Whatever can be imagined already exists; it simply exists in another dimension—in
another form or substance—and that is the source of all inspiration.
God conceived and by His Spirit spoke into existence all that is. He brought what
already was in the spiritual into the temporal by the power of His Word. He breathes that
creative force—His very Spirit—into a human being at the moment a person receives
that Word into their heart.
It is His Spirit—the creative power of His Word—within an individual that gives
inspiration and understanding of what already exists in the spiritual realm. “There is a
spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand” (Job 32:8). That
spirit in you has always existed—it is eternal—and it is the source of all revelation
and inspiration.
Our lives are built by a series of thoughts, much like bricks are used to build a house.
The bricks are what bring the structure forth from a piece of paper and make it threedimensional.
As a man thinks in his heart—in the present active continuum—as he
continues to think—he builds his life one brick at a time.
Your every present thought is a significant building block in determining the quality of
your future. Many of us build lives like shanties while others build mansions. If your
thoughts are inferior your life will be inferior, but if your thoughts are lofty and honorable
you are laying the foundation to live accordingly.
Purpose to think inspired thoughts. Inspiration is a God thing. Inspiration is God Himself
speaking into the heart of a human being. Inspirational thoughts are God’s way of
finding expression through the minds of ordinary men and women. According to Isaiah
29:11, God’s thoughts are always good and not evil. I want to remind you that
God is up to something good, and He has you in mind!
Enlarge Your Territory
There is a direct correlation between the quality of your thoughts and the quality of your
life. What you think determines who you are, it determines what you are, where you go,
what you acquire, where you live, who you love, where you work, what you accomplish,
what you read, and so on.
You will never have more, or go further, or accomplish greater things than your
thoughts will allow you. Therefore, you must create an opulent thinking environment
in order to create an opulent life.
When you alter your thoughts, you alter your life. Your life is a reflection of your most
dominant thoughts and meditations. When you meditate on success, you live a
successful life.
The trouble for most people is that they don’t know exactly what success would look like
for them as individuals, or more importantly, what it would feel like personally. It is not
enough to just meditate on success generally—you need to be specific.
Become the architect of your future. Use your thoughts like an architect uses a
blueprint. Think about every detail. An architect not only thinks about the rooms in a
house, but the types of windows, the size of closets, the location of outlets, and so on.
Nothing is too insignificant. Think big—but think detailed!
If you want to progress in life, you’ve got to think progressive thoughts. To do so,
something new must replace the old. You’ve got to think beyond where you are.
Alexander Graham Bell thought beyond the limitation of the dots and dashes of the
Morse code, and went on to replace the telegraph when he invented the telephone.
Become a visionary—be creative. Take the limits off your mind!
This is the challenge of creative thinking—you’ve got to open the spiritual channels of
your mind so that God can download divine creative thoughts into your brain. When
other people were unable to see what was going on in heaven, Jesus could.
• Spend some quality time with God and ask him to enlarge your capacity for
thinking and imagining—ask him to help you take the limits off.
That’s what Jabez did.
In Chronicles 4:10, Jabez prayed, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my
territory.” Not only did Jabez ask God to expand the capacity of his mind, but he asked
God to protect it as well. He prayed to the Lord that, “Your hand would be with me, and
that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.”
Jabez knew that every evil thought he conceived would ultimately bring forth pain.
Do yourself—and the world—a tremendous favor by getting the toxins out of your soul
by taking control of your thought life.
This week we are focusing on the characteristics of beauty, effortlessness, authenticity,
focus, and order. Take some time to think about and discuss:
• What your thoughts are on your thoughts.
• How have you experienced “thinking for a change” in your own life?
Proverbs 4:23-27 MSG: Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.
Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.
Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and
the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the
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