With that being said, I found this the other day and I am going to make it a point to get through this before the weekend is over so that I know where my focus should go:
Garris Elkins:
"I Want You to Write a Large Future"
Recently I was teaching in a training school for emerging leaders in California. During a question and answer session someone asked me, "What are you seeing for the year 2014?"
I responded to the question by saying that at the end of each year, I would normally ask and wait concerning a word from the Lord for the upcoming year. I did not, however, have a specific word at that time. As I was responding to the question, the Lord gave me a picture.
The next day, after returning home from the ministry trip, the image came to me once again. This time I saw a large pen – one of those antique, feathered writing pens – it descended down into the image and rested just above the surface of the unmarked sheet of paper. As the pen was suspended over the paper the Lord began to speak to me.
"I Want You to Write a Large Future"
"I want you to write something new. I did not just erase words from the past. Rather, I have provided a new place for you to write a fresh script for your life. This is something new I am inviting you to write.
"This is your assignment. I want you to write a large future – a future that may seem presumptive at first. I give you permission to presume on My goodness.
"Write like a person who has discovered My love for the first time. I want you to write in excitement without punctuation. I want your writing to be breathless with anticipation and expectation – a writing that flows from an increasing excitement at what might be.
"As you write, your inspiration will come from the increasing level of your delight in Me. Write as a lover would write from the depths of a shared passion. Write from your delight in Me and let your passion for Me fuel your text."
When the Lord finished speaking, the pen was still suspended above the sheet of paper. I sensed the pen was waiting for a hand to reach out and take it and begin writing.
Our Heart's Desire is Purified When We First Delight in Him
God has provided us with prophetic paper, pen and ink. He wants us to believe He is comfortable with His children writing out a new future as He watches. Our delighting in the Lord protects what will be written. Our heart's desire is purified when we first delight in Him. Our delighting in God must precede our desire for a new future if our desire is to remain pure.
Pick up the pen and begin to write:
• Write a new future for your family.
• Write a new future for your health.
• Write a new future for your church.
• Write a new future for your finances.
• Write a new future for your nation.
• Write a new future for your dream.
• Write a new future for your ministry.
• Write a new future for your city.
Write! Write! Write with a delight in God's goodness. The words you write will invite the promises of God to come and join the text of your future. This new script will become the story of a new chapter in your life that is about to unfold in 2014.
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