WEEK SIX: The Power Of Words Healing The Hole In Your Soul
Last week
we talked
about the importance of identity. The Bible says God has made us
kings and priests in order to reign on the earth. (See Revelat
ions 5:10.) Peter tells us
we belong to “a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9).
The word
is speaking of our kingly attributes as believers
being ordained to speak on behalf of God and “to bless.”
Too many of us have neglected our roya
l duty to decree blessings over our marriages,
families, businesses, ministries, and every other realm of our lives.
The whole universe is waiting for you and I to take dominion, speak out, and give
instruction. That’s what we were created to do! The Bib
le says,
“the creation waits with
eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God”
(Romans 8:19 ESV).
All of creation waits in anticipation for God’s called out and anointed ones to bring it
back into alignment with the Creator’s original intent
lare His glory to the
nations. (See Isaiah 25:3 and 66:19.)
Every word you speak is pregnant with regal, creative power.
As we said before, yo
u were created i
n the image of God.
One thing we know about
God, is that His Word carries immense creative power and always ac
complishes what
He intends
. Through the Prophet Isaiah, God said,
“So shall My word be that goes forth
Imagination has no power until it is expressed
and the most powerful expression in the
universe is the spoken word. God spoke, and from
“nothingness” came everything that
exists in the physical universe.
Hebrews states that,
“The worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things
which are seen were not made of things which are visible”
(Hebrews 11:3).
Words are powerful.
Not only that, words can be dangerous. James, the brother of Jesus, said,
“The tongue
is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can
set your whole life on fire”
(James 3:6 NCV).
Listen to how
The Message
explains it:
“It only takes a spark . . .
to set off a forest fire.
A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can
ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world
up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.”
James also told us that if we could control the tongue, we would be perfect
“if anyone
does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man”
(James 3:2). And then he gave
us further insight into the power
of our words by explaining that the tongue is like a
small bit used to guide a horse, or the rudder of a great ship used to steer it:
from My mouth; it shall not
return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and
it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it”
(Isaiah 55:10).
That is how eve
rything that exists was created!
God spoke out what He had seen in his
mind. He dreamed about creating the cos
mos, but it was not until His Word framed what
He saw in His mind’s eye did the earth, the sun, moon, and stars
“If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide
their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships al
so: though they are so
large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small
rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a
small member, yet it boasts of great things”
(James 3:3-5 ESV).
This is a powerful illustration of how we are to harness the power of our words in
fulfilling our destiny.
For example, when a ship sets sail to cross the sea, the pilot plots out the course. He
ecks his calculations from time
to time to ensure he is always headed in the right
direction, and then he keeps the steering as steady as possible heading towards his
predetermined destination.
Certainly, along the way, he may have to adjust the helm
to go around storms, navigate
currents, or avoid obstacles in the water, but he always steers with his focus more on
where he is going than what he is going through. If he constantly changes the steering
from one minute to the next fixated on his present circumstances, the ship is more likely
to go in circles than it is to arrive at the desired port of call.
For the pilot, the course is created first in his thoughts, communicated through the
rudder, and then realized as the rest of the ship lines up with his intent. For us, our lives
only arrive at our desired goals if our words are perfectly aligned with the ultimate
intentions of our thoughts.
You must take the time to carefully consider your course.
Where are you heading
and what
will it look like when
you get there?
Let your imagination take over. Spend time daydreaming about where you want to be in
life. Read about it. Study that place. Write about it in your journal. Draw it. Paint it.
Let your mind run free with the possibilities of what you could
Now talk about it. Line up your mouth
the rudder of your life
with where you are
going. Then keep it
and on course.
What happens to a ship
if you head it in one direction at one moment, and then turn
it in
the opposite direction
the next
and keep doing that over and over? Pretty simple
goes nowhere.
This i
s what happens when people speak
about the good things they are expecting to
one minute, and then spend the next half hour talking about all the negative
things happening to them that are keeping them from getting there.
They are turning their lives in circles. They line up their spoken words with where they
want to go for a lit
tle while, then when they meet a storm along the way, all they do is
talk about the bad weather and lose track of where they were headed in the first place.
They forget that they have the power to turn their lives around the storm or press on
through it to
ward the sun shining on the other side. They forget that the “Son” has never
stopped shining on their lives, no matter how dark the clouds in the sky are.
Even in the midst of what looks like
catastrophe, keep speaking the blessing, keep the
ship of your life on a steady course, and before you know it the storm clouds will clear
and you will have broken through your difficulty and left it far behind you.
Your every decree is pregnant with the power and potential to revolutionize your life.
Words are w
orth your attention. Be mindful of what you are proclaiming, declaring, and
Proverbs 18:21, states
“Death and life are in the power of th
e tongue, and those who
love it will eat its fruit.”
Choose to use your tongue to bring life an
d not death, to bless
and not
even when it comes to your “enemies.”
Learn the art of blessing, for in blessing a thing or a person, that thing or person m
bless you.
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse”
(Romans 12:14).
When you practice the art of blessing, blessings will gravitate toward you, or as
Deuteronomy 28:2 says,
“blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.”
in cursing a thing or a person, you draw curses upon yourself.
Again, as James said:
“A double
minded man is
unstable in all his ways”
(James 1:7).
What did he mean?
A double
minded person is a person with conflicting thoughts
someone who holds two
erent opinions at the same time. That person is the pilot, who steers his ship towards
one port for a while, then reverses to steer it towards another in the opposite direction.
is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind
” (James 1:6).
one point your life is headed towards blessings because that is what you have
spoken, and the next it is headed towards cursing because that is now what your mouth
is proclaiming
I am convinced that believers tend to live beneath the standard God has ordained for
His children because of ignorance. We do not know that our daily declarations and
decrees have the power to alter our destiny an
d change the quality of our lives.
Proverbs 13:3 states that
“He who guards his mouth [watches what he says] preserves
his life.”
If guarding your words causes you to preserve your life, imagine what happens
when you do not guard your words?
Speak Out
Your Blessings
Place your hand directly in front of your mouth and declare out loud, “I am blessed, all of
my needs are met and I have more than enough for myself, my household, and extra
left over to give to others.”
Did you feel the power of those wor
ds coming forth out of your mouth like a breeze?
Those same words will come back to you, manifested with hurricane force, blowing into
your life abundance and blessings or lack and calamity depending on what you speak.
Choose to steer your life into blessings by filling the atmosphere around you with words
of faith and victory.
Words released into the atmosphere do not disappear and dissipate. Words have
presence, prophetic implications, and no geographical limitations. They create a
magnetic force that pulls the manifestation of what you speak
good or bad, blessing or
from other realms, regions, and dimensions.
Did you know that some of the gre
est Christians of all times w
ere lawyers? Many in
our culture today make fun of lawyers and politicians, but throughout history, lawyers
have revealed some of the greatest truths about God we have ever known.
Moses was “the law giver,” and the Apostle Pau
l was a Sadducee
who studied
. Martin Luther of the Reformation began his career as a lawyer, as did the
great revivalist, Charles Finney.
What made them so powerful? They read their Bibles as lawyers would when studying
to prepare a case
, and they put more faith in God keeping His Word than they did in any
earthly laws or political promises. Then they took those words and cha
rged the
atmosphere by professing
biblical truth.
They changed thei
r world
through what they spoke.
When you read the Bible, you need to take God’s Word personally. His promises are for
His people, and if you have received Him as
your Lord and Savior, that means you.
Speak life into your dead areas
speak light where there may be darkness
you’ll be
amazed at what Go
d’s words in your mouth will do!
This week we are focusing on the characteristics of integrity, responsibility, poten
impeccability, and compassion.
Focus on what you are saying about yourself and others. Maneuver the ship of your life
by steering your tongue!
Think for a moment
What does that mean to you? What must happen in your heart for there to
e a change in
your mouth
order to “speak for a change”?
out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
(see Luke
hink about
speak for a change.
Come into agreement with what God has already said in His Word about you and your
situation. Get God’s Word on it. Then
fill your mouth with His promises and chan
your world.
Hebrews 10:23:
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for
He who promised is faithful.