Sometimes I will misrepresent what I'm feeling or thinking, and again because I don't like to be hurtful. Recently I was in the presence of someone who was always doing thing that were highly irritating. While it bothered me extensively, I never spoke on the things that bothered me. Instead, I acted like everything was ok, hoping it would pass. But it didn't. By the time it came to confrontation everything ended up not going so well... I realize now I was not living or acting authentically. I am working on speaking truthfully and being impeccable with my words. To speak in love, but also in truth...
I have used words against myself when I have been depressed. Having low self-esteem & low self-worth.
I'm not living any mixed motives or hidden agendas. I don't wish anyone evil or harm. I'm not being deceitful or trying to manipulate any situations in my favor.
I think my life is probably more transparent than my speech. I'm not a person of many words and I don't always speak on how I feel. But how I live is wide open & transparent.
Would JESUS say of you, "look, there goes a person in whom there is no guile?"
Yes, Jesus will say that of me! It may not be TODAY, but he WILL say it!
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