Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 28 - Asking/Potential (Tiffany)

The Power of the Question

"The best time to ask questions, especially if you are trying to solve a problem, is to ask when you're open to receive answers. Asking questions is a form of active inquiry, whereby you create a relational culture of dynamic dialogues, discovery, learning, growth, exchange, and mindshare."

I find this quite interesting, being that I have been around so many people whom I find influential and I keep having a hard time just interacting with them. I consider it is my own mentality and why I am having a hard time with belief that I can go higher. I think that it starts with legislating and speaking it out loud. I think that the more we decree and declare something, the truer it becomes for us.

The only problem with that is that if we're having a hard time pin-pointing what it is that we exactly want, then we have a hard time declaring and decreeing.

I started the year off, specifically knowing the three areas I wanted to work on. However, I allowed circumstances, people and fatigue of my situation to get me off focus for the first month. I am not going to spend too much time going over the past month. With each new day, we have a chance to change our reality and that's what I'm doing. I'm going to begin to speak the things that I have written out, so that they don't seem so far-fetched any longer. If I speak them, they shall be. I shall have what I say, I decree and declare. And when I become comfortable speaking it, then asking others who have been where I want to go will no longer be scary.

Opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity!


The 7 Dimensions of the Spirit

  1. Power
  2. Riches
  3. Wisdom
  4. Might
  5. Honor
  6. Glory
  7. Blessing
Revelation 5:12 - Saying in a loud voice, Deserving is the Lamb, Who was sacrificed, to receive all the power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and majesty (glory, splendor) and blessing!

There is absolutely nothing that is unavailable to you by His Spirit.

The right question is: Has God revealed His will for us? And if so, would we believe, obey and trust Him?

>>Well, I have to admit, that once I looked some things up earlier today and found a location to live for the future, I took matter in my own hands & instead of focusing on the things I said I would focus on this year, I started looking for ways of how I can make it happen. I'm sure God has been long-suffering for me since my childhood on this issue. One day, I'll completely rest in His will because I not only know what it is, but I'm so focused on it, that when I look at things around me, I won't go that way. Don't look to the left or the right, but stay FOCUSED!

"You can never become who you've been destined to become until you lose who you used to be" - Rex Crain

You have the potential to do all sorts of things, but you need to focus on the thing God has assigned you alone to do. Understand what your assigned 'craft' is - and then master it! 

What is my assignment?
--> It's to help others find their place of rest in Christ in order to move into the Promised Land...the Kingdom of God and fully take on the Vision God has given them.

What have I invested in maximizing my potential in that area?
--> I have committed to first learning how to serve others through their health and wellness and within that help them to gather their thoughts within their mission and purpose.
--> I can say that I have not been doing this whole-heartedly and effectively when I speak with others and I need to hold myself up to that standard.
-->At first, I thought it was just about writing, but now I see that it's much more than my talent. My talent is a part of what I do, but the Lord wants me to use all of my gifts and right now He is developing my speaking and ministering abilities through what I'm doing and I have to take it seriously as I am serving Him and it's not about what I'm getting from it!

Dear Heavenly Father, please show me how it will be with YOU working in and through me.

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