It's interesting that I'm wrapping this all up on Valentine's Day...Love Day.
I called this Valentine's Day, "Love One Another" Day...because that's what God wants us to do. It's actually a commandment, not something that we are to take lightly.
With that being said, I want to go over these questions and reflect on this week and this journey with the Soul Fast.
From this day forward, how will you shine a little brighter? Describe what that might look like and the affect it could have on the people you encounter.
I will shine a little brighter by acknowledging more people, by continuing to look up into people's eyes when I speak and not being fearful of what's going on with them and seeing myself as God sees me instead of having fear that people will condemn me. I have to stop making it about me, because I cannot love others when I think selfishly instead of selflessly.
Change begins with one thought, one soul, one life at a time. What is the one thought you can adopt that could change everything? What will be the new story you tell as a result?
I have to do some more thought work into this. There has been so many things happening in my life and I'm trying to understand them so that I can build and it's taking some time to grasp it all. I guess, if anything I can start with Focus and focusing my thought life. When you set your affection on things above, what eternity has to do with it all, then you can make the best decisions. For example, I know that I am in my company to gain skills that I will need to use for the Kingdom, I know that I'm not going to be a leader forever no matter how far I rise up. I know that I need to be able to focus on everything in the business so that I can properly be an asset, but even more so for my team. I have slacked and I do not feel that I've been honorable in each and every meeting, but my heart and my desire is that I can get a hold of my ways and be disciplined and meet my obligations, and serve and love while on this assignment.
How can you start a conversation in your community--whether it is the workplace, church, neighborhood, or school--about living more authentically?
By telling others about this book and maybe even having a discussion group, where we can all get on one accord.
Our 40 Day Soul Fast Journey
Our Journey on the 40-Day Soul Fast to Authentic Living!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Day 39 - Uniting/Interdependence (Tiffany)
How deep is your sense of Interdependence?
I would say mine is very deep. I had a very insightful day today. I recognized when I missed others and had a chance to contribute to their lives...I also saw the areas that I am struggling with and that I will have to let go of some things in order to overcome some things that I'm still feeling some type a way about from my past. Overall, I think I did well today and my Father would say well done. I do think I could have done better, but compared to who I was before I was saved, compared to who I was ten years ago, compared to who I was five years ago and compared to who I was just a year ago...I have done well.Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Day 38 - Standing/Ethics (Tiffany)
"How you choose to extend God's Kingdom and distribute His power and love to the world is wide open and full of freedom."
"Where you take your stand and live out your destiny is determined by who God has called you to be. A 'king-and-a-priest' is called to a group of people, not a project, and certainly not the world. You will burn yourself out quickly if you try to be everything to everybody. Your thoughts and energy will be diluted."
Concept of Ethics: That which is motivated by pure, noble, and honorable intentions--an uprightness in choices, values, business dealings, and professional aspirations. What you choose to do with your money, how to handle it--whether generously or selfishly--is a good indication of personal ethics.
In bringing something to your attention, could God be requiring you to take a stand?
Absolutely! God brought to my attention the drastic difference between the suburban life and the inner city life and it frustrates me like crazy! It is a burden He has placed on my heart and the crazy thing is that I didn't want to have anything to do with the inner city when I was in High School, I wanted to get out and leave. I watched this video the other day and this young man shares my vision. I pray that God will divinely orchestrate that this gentleman and I can meet and we can begin to change our inner cities for the good in America!
"Where you take your stand and live out your destiny is determined by who God has called you to be. A 'king-and-a-priest' is called to a group of people, not a project, and certainly not the world. You will burn yourself out quickly if you try to be everything to everybody. Your thoughts and energy will be diluted."
Concept of Ethics: That which is motivated by pure, noble, and honorable intentions--an uprightness in choices, values, business dealings, and professional aspirations. What you choose to do with your money, how to handle it--whether generously or selfishly--is a good indication of personal ethics.
In bringing something to your attention, could God be requiring you to take a stand?
Absolutely! God brought to my attention the drastic difference between the suburban life and the inner city life and it frustrates me like crazy! It is a burden He has placed on my heart and the crazy thing is that I didn't want to have anything to do with the inner city when I was in High School, I wanted to get out and leave. I watched this video the other day and this young man shares my vision. I pray that God will divinely orchestrate that this gentleman and I can meet and we can begin to change our inner cities for the good in America!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Day 37 - Accepting/Tolerance (Tiffany)
How would you rate your capacity to tolerate unfavorable conditions? What does this say about your own degree of personal empowerment?
I would rate my capacity on a 1-10 scale as a 7 for my tolerance of unfavorable conditions. I have been through a lot of things over the past year and I've gone through them to make me stronger, but I cannot imagine myself 10 years ago going through them...I would see that I would have been whining and complaining a lot had I went through them then. At points when I began to say if people had to go through what I did, that was my way of complaining and I still hadn't found my strength in it all. Sometimes, I want things to be different RIGHT NOW, but I know that I'm still learning something and God is strengthening that personal empowerment within me through what I am going through and it will make me an even greater person. The Lord is definitely pushing me into a position of leadership no matter how much I may try to fight it, I see that He wants to develop these skills in me and that's why I've had to go through all the things I've been through.
How are you harnessing the power of tolerance to change the hearts and lives of those around you? In what small way might you show a little more tolerance?
I'm doing really well in this area, I've been able to talk with others and bring a sort of newness to the people I encounter. I don't look at their outward appearance and judge...I may have a preconceived notion, but I have to throw that out because I don't know what's going on in the inside of anyone! I don't know their story until they begin to open their mouths and tell me. I show my tolerance by allowing people to speak their own minds and what they feel inside, I'm not too quick to state my opinion or what I know to be true. I'm learning by listening to others.
I would rate my capacity on a 1-10 scale as a 7 for my tolerance of unfavorable conditions. I have been through a lot of things over the past year and I've gone through them to make me stronger, but I cannot imagine myself 10 years ago going through them...I would see that I would have been whining and complaining a lot had I went through them then. At points when I began to say if people had to go through what I did, that was my way of complaining and I still hadn't found my strength in it all. Sometimes, I want things to be different RIGHT NOW, but I know that I'm still learning something and God is strengthening that personal empowerment within me through what I am going through and it will make me an even greater person. The Lord is definitely pushing me into a position of leadership no matter how much I may try to fight it, I see that He wants to develop these skills in me and that's why I've had to go through all the things I've been through.
How are you harnessing the power of tolerance to change the hearts and lives of those around you? In what small way might you show a little more tolerance?
I'm doing really well in this area, I've been able to talk with others and bring a sort of newness to the people I encounter. I don't look at their outward appearance and judge...I may have a preconceived notion, but I have to throw that out because I don't know what's going on in the inside of anyone! I don't know their story until they begin to open their mouths and tell me. I show my tolerance by allowing people to speak their own minds and what they feel inside, I'm not too quick to state my opinion or what I know to be true. I'm learning by listening to others.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Day 36 - Dancing/Justice (Tiffany)
How might you be neglecting the weightier matters of justice and mercy?
I don't think of myself as neglecting the weightier matters of justice and mercy. One thing I know, I don't waste a lot of time fighting causes that are not part of my purpose. I know that I have a Kingdom assignment and that many times the Lord will draw me in to the behavior of someone so that I will intercede for that person because the person has an impact in the lives of many others. He also uses me to help guide those who have a calling on their lives to impact the lives of many but are having trouble making a decision and could end up forfeiting their call.
I think that sometimes I do neglect in this area, because I don't like the way the burden feels to tell someone about getting back on assignment if they have backslidden. I saw yesterday how someone came back to church, but I kept pointing this person out and they were really getting in their own way, because of church hurt. I felt terrible because I know that I was supposed to say something and I didn't. I don't really like to bring warnings to others and I think that's probably why I've steered clear of the book of Jeremiah so long. I've read parts, but I've never read the whole book. When I was about a year or two saved, I started reading it and I said to myself, that's not the book for me! Because Jeremiah sounded too much like me and the people he had to talk to sounded too much like the people that I would have to deal with. I wasn't trying to speak in that way!
I don't mind bringing a message of hope and love, but I admit when it's not so good news and to tell others that they need to get it together, I don't like doing it because there is a level of isolation that I have to go through in that. It's not about me, but that's the hardest part of my flesh that needs to die!
What can you begin doing today to "serve people" and make sure evil does not thrive unopposed?
Today, I actually prayed with the household I'm in. There was a charge to pray given by a Pastor that's on my Facebook friends...I think the prayer turned out well and it's probably something God had wanted to happen a long time ago. I'm grateful that tonight was the first evening in doing it!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Week 8 - Sealing the Healing: The Cleansing Power of Love
Friday, February 7, 2014
Day 35 - Willing/Morality (Tiffany)
"What you do in this life is in direct proportion to your courage and ability to will, to set your eyes on a goal and head toward it."
I was really thinking about this concept of "will" yesterday as I was writing out affirmations. I thought to myself when I say, "I will" do this, does that mean that it actually happens, do I trust my own words when I say "I will" or am I bunch of talk. I watched this Mentorship DVD of Juanita Bynum where she instructed everyone to buy a Franklin Planner and she said the point of it is to write what we plan to do because if we don't even live by what we plan, how can others take us seriously when we don't even take ourselves seriously?
I used to buy planners every year and was always organizing, but after about a month or two I'd fall off. I wasn't committing to what I wrote in these planners. I wrote down what I will do, but I hardly followed what I wrote down.
I believe that as I've been journeying through this Soul Fast for the second time, I'm trying to be more authentic and integral with who I say I am. I don't want to LIE to myself. It's one thing to lie to others, but you're in some trouble when you are lying to yourself. You cannot get anywhere if you LIE to yourself.
"Success is a byproduct of what God wills for you...True success requires you to be willing to let go as you let God work out His will through you." ~ Cindy Trimm
I find it interesting that this book is taking me back to some inner things. I had many dreams recently about people in my life. I have a feeling that these dreams all have to deal with growth. I may have handled some relationships quite immaturely in the past. I really didn't know how to handle them, and I was still learning to grow myself, so how they were cut off were really inauthentic to who I really am. I can't live one way at home and another way in the world.
I think God is showing me this in my time of humility and living with someone else. I have been having a hard time because I want to be the true me, but because some of the things I'm dealing with financially make it hard to be who I am totally...but why do I feel like that is hindering me from being myself? Why can't I just be me...and state what I believe. I need to be all the way transparent so that I won't feel like I'm lying to myself...I can't move forward and help others if I feel like I'm lying to myself!
I was really thinking about this concept of "will" yesterday as I was writing out affirmations. I thought to myself when I say, "I will" do this, does that mean that it actually happens, do I trust my own words when I say "I will" or am I bunch of talk. I watched this Mentorship DVD of Juanita Bynum where she instructed everyone to buy a Franklin Planner and she said the point of it is to write what we plan to do because if we don't even live by what we plan, how can others take us seriously when we don't even take ourselves seriously?
I used to buy planners every year and was always organizing, but after about a month or two I'd fall off. I wasn't committing to what I wrote in these planners. I wrote down what I will do, but I hardly followed what I wrote down.
I believe that as I've been journeying through this Soul Fast for the second time, I'm trying to be more authentic and integral with who I say I am. I don't want to LIE to myself. It's one thing to lie to others, but you're in some trouble when you are lying to yourself. You cannot get anywhere if you LIE to yourself.
"Success is a byproduct of what God wills for you...True success requires you to be willing to let go as you let God work out His will through you." ~ Cindy Trimm
I find it interesting that this book is taking me back to some inner things. I had many dreams recently about people in my life. I have a feeling that these dreams all have to deal with growth. I may have handled some relationships quite immaturely in the past. I really didn't know how to handle them, and I was still learning to grow myself, so how they were cut off were really inauthentic to who I really am. I can't live one way at home and another way in the world.
I think God is showing me this in my time of humility and living with someone else. I have been having a hard time because I want to be the true me, but because some of the things I'm dealing with financially make it hard to be who I am totally...but why do I feel like that is hindering me from being myself? Why can't I just be me...and state what I believe. I need to be all the way transparent so that I won't feel like I'm lying to myself...I can't move forward and help others if I feel like I'm lying to myself!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Day 34 - Prioritizing/Temperance (Tiffany)
I think I'm getting pretty much on track with prioritizing and doing the things I'm supposed to be doing. Daily as I pay more attention to my purpose, my character and what needs work, what I need to confess to God and take to Him to help overcome, I see that it's helping me to change. The thing is that many times we have an issue with not even talking to God about areas that we need help in and we worry about them, and we never get anywhere, so it's best that when we recognize that we take it to God.
Sometimes it's difficult because we are distracted by a lot of things that are happening. I read something interesting yesterday, it was called the "Beginner's Mind"...I suppose it has something to do with Zen or whatever, but it makes a lot of sense. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in an expert's mind, there are few. It is a state of total freshness where you experience everything anew in each moment. It is a direct route to creative confidence. There are no expectations, no fixed view of yourself, no preconceived ideas about what you are going to create...your mind is open and receptive.
I think that many of us need to get to a "beginner's mind" when we feel ourselves overwhelmed with everything that must be done. If we clear the slate of EVERYTHING...then we can start back at one.
Colossians 3:1-3 (AMP)
If then you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.
When we set our mind/affection on what's above, on Christ, on God's Kingdom, then we can prioritize our life.
"The highest priority on your list must always be staying connected to the Presence of God and listening to His still, small voice" - Cindy Trimm
Examine your life. Where might the enemy have a foothold in the door of your soul causing you to stumble in some area?
I think that a foothold has been caused in my thought-life, because of my external circumstance, I'm still not living truly how I would be living if I had my own place. I'm still allowing a fear to be over me, and I need to break through past that fear for it has no dominion or power over me, only that which I allow. I think that when I break past this fear and I take dominion over it, that my life will change totally and completely and I will fly.
What can you do to "clean house" in order to make sure you are "temperate in all things?" What might your little "excesses" say to others about you?
I really need to chop down those inferior places inside of myself and begin to move in courage, boldness and with the confidence that God is putting on the inside of me. It's there, but the Holy Spirit is now filling me to the point of overflow, in this reservoir, I have something to give to others, but I need to empty myself of all insecurities so that they won't spill on to others that I am helping.
Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and contentment, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know. - Charles Kingsley
Sometimes it's difficult because we are distracted by a lot of things that are happening. I read something interesting yesterday, it was called the "Beginner's Mind"...I suppose it has something to do with Zen or whatever, but it makes a lot of sense. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in an expert's mind, there are few. It is a state of total freshness where you experience everything anew in each moment. It is a direct route to creative confidence. There are no expectations, no fixed view of yourself, no preconceived ideas about what you are going to create...your mind is open and receptive.
I think that many of us need to get to a "beginner's mind" when we feel ourselves overwhelmed with everything that must be done. If we clear the slate of EVERYTHING...then we can start back at one.
Colossians 3:1-3 (AMP)
If then you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.
When we set our mind/affection on what's above, on Christ, on God's Kingdom, then we can prioritize our life.
"The highest priority on your list must always be staying connected to the Presence of God and listening to His still, small voice" - Cindy Trimm
Examine your life. Where might the enemy have a foothold in the door of your soul causing you to stumble in some area?
I think that a foothold has been caused in my thought-life, because of my external circumstance, I'm still not living truly how I would be living if I had my own place. I'm still allowing a fear to be over me, and I need to break through past that fear for it has no dominion or power over me, only that which I allow. I think that when I break past this fear and I take dominion over it, that my life will change totally and completely and I will fly.
What can you do to "clean house" in order to make sure you are "temperate in all things?" What might your little "excesses" say to others about you?
I really need to chop down those inferior places inside of myself and begin to move in courage, boldness and with the confidence that God is putting on the inside of me. It's there, but the Holy Spirit is now filling me to the point of overflow, in this reservoir, I have something to give to others, but I need to empty myself of all insecurities so that they won't spill on to others that I am helping.
Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and contentment, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know. - Charles Kingsley
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Day 33 - Continuing/Credibility (Tiffany)
Consciously strive to create credibility.
I believe that I am taking my time to do this daily. It is a work in progress, but I have seen the consistency in myself. Most of it has to do with my own thought-life. I don't really end up in places unless I've decided to be there. Last week I made a decision to cut something in my life that I was struggling with wondering if it was bringing me any value. I think I finally got an understanding of it all tonight. Don't chase anything. What I have to offer is valuable and those who miss out on's their loss.
What is your promise to the world?
I'm available to use my gifts, talents and abilities to help you to find the fulfillment you need to get ahead and press toward the mark. However, I will not waste energy nor time on those who want to play around in my life...Ain't nobody got no time for that!
I believe that I am taking my time to do this daily. It is a work in progress, but I have seen the consistency in myself. Most of it has to do with my own thought-life. I don't really end up in places unless I've decided to be there. Last week I made a decision to cut something in my life that I was struggling with wondering if it was bringing me any value. I think I finally got an understanding of it all tonight. Don't chase anything. What I have to offer is valuable and those who miss out on's their loss.
What is your promise to the world?
I'm available to use my gifts, talents and abilities to help you to find the fulfillment you need to get ahead and press toward the mark. However, I will not waste energy nor time on those who want to play around in my life...Ain't nobody got no time for that!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Day 32 - Partnering/Loyalty (Tiffany)
"You need to surround yourself with people of understanding to help draw out what God has planted deep within your soul to do, to see what you might miss, and to help you stay in touch with reality--not allowing yourself to be tricked into only seeing what you want to see." - Cindy Trimm
"Choose wisely who you join yourself with, because research has proven that even people three degrees removed from you can have some influence on your happiness, health habits, and in other life-directing areas" - Cindy Trimm
"Choose traveling companions with whom you can laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, washing your body and soul with feel-good chemicals--a true stress buster!" - Cindy Trimm
"The degree to which you show yourself loyal to God-faithful, obedient, and God-fearing--will determine to what extent you are able to live authentically." - Cindy Trimm
How is God's loyalty working in and through your life?
--God has always been there. When I have backslided, He was still there, when I wasn't sure He existed...or even didn't even believe He did, He was still there keeping me alive. When I found it hard to trust Him, He didn't get mad at me and impatient with me, He the fact that He is still being patient with me as I'm trying to get this relationship thing with Him right, by realizing that all the idol-worship that I've done in my life was just wasted time, Nobody can compare to Him and His love. Knowing that He's always had my back, I can attempt this with others, but I cannot say it's going to be easy. I'm just getting over some insecurities and I don't want my loyalty to be in vain...sometimes we can be loyal but it's because we're looking for something in return instead of being selfless like Christ!
"Choose wisely who you join yourself with, because research has proven that even people three degrees removed from you can have some influence on your happiness, health habits, and in other life-directing areas" - Cindy Trimm
"Choose traveling companions with whom you can laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, washing your body and soul with feel-good chemicals--a true stress buster!" - Cindy Trimm
"The degree to which you show yourself loyal to God-faithful, obedient, and God-fearing--will determine to what extent you are able to live authentically." - Cindy Trimm
How is God's loyalty working in and through your life?
--God has always been there. When I have backslided, He was still there, when I wasn't sure He existed...or even didn't even believe He did, He was still there keeping me alive. When I found it hard to trust Him, He didn't get mad at me and impatient with me, He the fact that He is still being patient with me as I'm trying to get this relationship thing with Him right, by realizing that all the idol-worship that I've done in my life was just wasted time, Nobody can compare to Him and His love. Knowing that He's always had my back, I can attempt this with others, but I cannot say it's going to be easy. I'm just getting over some insecurities and I don't want my loyalty to be in vain...sometimes we can be loyal but it's because we're looking for something in return instead of being selfless like Christ!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Day 31 - Helping/Respect (Tiffany)
Too Often There is More Talk Than Action
"Just taking the next step of what you already know to do increases productivity and your ability to make things happen, impacting your thoughts with a rise in self-esteem and a constructive outlook on life." David Allen"The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has published numerous studies that show helping someone else actually changes your body chemistry" WOW! This is why I like the team I've become a part of. I can help others in their health and at the same time I'm around a community of people who are reaching for greatness by encouraging one another and we are working on ourselves and our character!
I knew it was something that I found here that I hadn't found anywhere else. I found my LOVE in Jesus Christ, but this group of individuals are helping me to take my life to the next level, by being a servant to those that I get to help change not only their physical health, but help them as their mental and emotional health changes. It's wonderful!
What one thing can you do today to honor someone?
--Take a stand for someone less fortunate if someone speaks against them
To what degree do you command respect? Are you a leader others look up to beacause you are respectful-as in full of respect?
--Sometimes I feel that people do look up to me, but not consistently and it's because I haven't been consistent...I've been double-minded and uncommitted. When I can truly change those things about myself, I know that I will become a better leader and others will follow.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Week 7 - The Power of Doing: God's Chosen Fast (Cindy Trimm)
WEEK SEVEN - The Power of Doing: God’s Chosen Fast
Throughout the past weeks, we have talked about what can entangle our souls and create toxins in our minds; we’ve explored the nature of the soul, the properties of thought, the importance of identity, and the power of words. But as we come to the end of our 40 Day Soul F ast campaign, I want to emphasize th at above what we think or say, is what we do.At the epicenter of what Jesus came to teach humanity was the healing power of love. It governed all He d id and was the divine force by which He operated. Jesus was moved by love, led by love, empowered by love, endured the cross by love, and by love was resurrected to intercede on our behalf — continually driven by love — at the right hand of Love itself, for “G od is love” (1 John 4:8,16).
Everything Jesus did was infused with the love of God.
He demonstrated how we are to walk in the same kind of love. He filled us with His very own Spirit to lead us in the ways of love and empower us with an ever - increasing capacity to love.
We are told in Corinthians that without love we are nothing. Paul wrote, “though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowled ge, and though I have all faith . . . but have not love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:2).
It doesn’t matter how much you pray, worship, or discipline yourself if you are not walking in the love of God. What you do can clutter your soul as much as what you think or say. Your behaviors are just as toxic to your soul as your thoughts.
The purpose of a soul fast is to cleanse your heart and mind of toxic thoughts, words , and actions, because everything you say and do is a result of what is in your heart. Not only that, but your every word and deed -- attitude and behavior — either further po llutes or purifies not only your own soul, but also the world around you.
This is why God was so adamant about the childre n of Israel rightly understanding the purpose and requirements of His “chosen fast.” He reprimanded Israel through the prophet Isaiah because they fasted in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. In Isaiah 58:6, God asked , “Is this the kind of fast I hav e chosen?” He challenged them for their fasting of food and their showy self - denial, when He would rather they cleanse their lives of selfishness, self - promotion, pride, and greed.
God wants His people to purify their hearts, not their intestines.
The purpose of fasting in the life of the believer is to take “self” off the throne and allow God’s love to reign there instead.
The practice of self - denial should be evidenced by putting the needs of others before our own, not gossiping, complaining, or blame - shifting, not indulging ourselves in sinful behaviors, not abusing people or taking advantage of them, but by making ourselves available not only to the needy but also to our own families.
Take a moment to meditate on what God calls Hi s “chosen fast” from Isaiah 58:2 -12 (NLT):
They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to lear n all about me. They act like a righteous nation that would never abandon the laws of its God. They ask me to take action on their behalf, pretending they want to be near me. ‘We have fasted before you!’ they say. ‘Why aren’t you impresse d? We have been very hard on ourselves, and you don’t even notice it!’ “I will tell you why!” I respond. “It’s because you are fasting to please yourselves. Even while you fast, you keep oppressing your workers. What good is fasting when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting will never get you anywhere with me. You humble yourselves by going through the motions of penance, bowing your heads like reeds bending in the wind. You dress in burlap and cover yourselves with ashes. Is this what you call fasting? Do you really think this will please the Lord? “No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you . Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. “Then your sal vation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind. Then when you call, the Lord will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly r eply. “Remove the heavy yoke of oppression. Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors! Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as brigh t as noon. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well - watered garden, like an ever - flowing spring. Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities . Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.
Isaiah is telling us, as Paul told the Galatians, “faith works through love” (Galatians 5:6). James told us that if faith “does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead)” (James 2:17 AMP). In speaking of the great Father of Faith, Abraham, James wrote, “his faith and his actions worked together. His actions made his faith complete” (James 2:22 NLT).
Jesus shed new light on what it means to “fulfill the law” and live righteously when He said, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37 - 40 NKJV).
This is what we have come to know as “The Law of Love.”
Think about God’s Chosen Fast in light of 1 Corinthians 13:1 - 13 MSG :
If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creak ing of a rusty gate. If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing. If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love d oesn't want what it doesn't ha ve. Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head, Doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always "me first," Doesn't fly off the handle, Doesn't keep score of the sins of others, Doesn't revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end. Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled. When I was an infant at my mother's breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good. We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
In other words, if we don’t walk in the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22), then the gifts of the Spirit are of no use (see 1 Corinthians 12). God seeks to develop our character, not our charisma. Go d wants us to grow in godliness — or God - likeness — becoming more and more like Him.
Peter gave us a step - by - step strategy for growing in love, and therefore God - likeness, from a small seed of faith. Listen to how he explains the process:
By his divine power, God has given us everything we nee d for living a godly life ... We have received all of t his by coming to know him ... And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self - control, and self - control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But those who fail to develop in this way are shortsighted or blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their old sins. (2 Peter 1:3 - 9 NLT)
This is how we prosper our souls. And as our souls prosper , we will live in health and prosper in every other way . (See 3 John 2 AMP)
What is the fruit in your life from having gotten all of the junk out of your soul?
What evidence would you expect to see after having cleansed your mind from toxic thoughts and your soul from debilitating attachments?
•What is different about you as a result of the 40 Day Soul Fast?
•How does a life lived from a detoxed soul look--and how will you keep it that way?
Isaiah 58:6 - 8 MSG:
This is the kind of fast day I'm after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed; cancel debts. What I'm interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Day 30 - Blessing/Compassion (Tiffany)
"Words of encouragement, identity, vision, kindness, and purpose, showing compassion and gentleness even to your enemies or others who are undeserving or ungrateful will make a difference. It will expand your capacity for greatness when you make room for them at the table of life by inviting their uniqueness instead of trying to mold them into someone they are not."
What better way is there to share the love of God than to bless others with your words? That is how you shine light into dark places!
What better way is there to share the love of God than to bless others with your words? That is how you shine light into dark places!
- I agree with that. I was greatly encouraged the other day. I spend a lot of time sending things out to others via social media in the form of encouragement, as well when others are in need, I help to be a listening ear and to help guide them out.
- It's my intention to become more aware of this in my life on a moment by moment basis.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Day 29 Sowing/Impeccability (Tiffany)
"God is going to give you new ideas and new visions when the soil of your mind is ready and prepared."
I think this is where I am finally coming to the realization of myself. I have put off certain things because of my lack of ability in speaking previously. But I believe that God has given me boldness and courage in this season to take on things to a whole new level, and He wants me to develop this gift to it's full capacity because He is about to use me greatly to point others to Him globally like never before. I had this vision back in 2005/6 not sure which year, but it was during an Israel and New Breed Worship Experience and they sung Take the Limits Off, and that's the vision I saw when I stopped looking through my own eyes and God gave me His eyes.
It was hard to imagine because at that time, I still was struggling with smiling and saying "Good Morning" to people who looked super serious. I still struggle some days, but I now understand it has a lot to do with what I'm telling myself and what I see before the day starts.
When I'm waking up with doubts, then it's difficult to establish the day, it's difficult to pray and ask God for direction because I'm still having a hard time finding myself. This was my biggest hit when I moved to the Inland Empire, because every morning I was waking up angry and I had no idea why and where it was coming from...well in the beginning that is. I now understand it's because I was outside the will of God. He wanted me to completely cut everything off from L.A. and do some things, but I didn't really spend enough time with Him and asking Him. When He said things that didn't make sense, I ignored them. I should have stayed in His will.
"Ten of the spies had unprepared minds and two were fully ready to receive what God wanted to give them."
--> This is where God is saying that I honestly spoke seeing a certain income by November 2013, but as God was trying to guide me to reaching what I asked Him for, I kept trying to hold on to my past way. I then began to bump into those with that old mindset. I know that I got to Riverside to get away from the wrong way of thinking, but I had trouble with being double-minded myself. I was trying to do things in my flesh. I kept thinking about how I was going to do things and asking God to do it, but not truly following what He wanted. He made things available for me, but I couldn't make sense of any of it. This year will be different. Tomorrow will be different. I have a new mindset. I am not going back. I am not looking back like Lot's wife anymore!
Sow truth in your mind and prepare the soil!
"For the Toltecs, to be impeccable with the word means to not use it against one's self. The warrior is always on guard against negative self-talk, self-judgment, worry, gossip, and other fear-based uses of words."
Reading the above statement, I understand that I may have even self-judged myself within this post. I will be driven to greatness not out of shame of what I have not done yet, but to know that God is calling me higher and to concentrate on what was will never get me there and is useless energy!
I think this is where I am finally coming to the realization of myself. I have put off certain things because of my lack of ability in speaking previously. But I believe that God has given me boldness and courage in this season to take on things to a whole new level, and He wants me to develop this gift to it's full capacity because He is about to use me greatly to point others to Him globally like never before. I had this vision back in 2005/6 not sure which year, but it was during an Israel and New Breed Worship Experience and they sung Take the Limits Off, and that's the vision I saw when I stopped looking through my own eyes and God gave me His eyes.
It was hard to imagine because at that time, I still was struggling with smiling and saying "Good Morning" to people who looked super serious. I still struggle some days, but I now understand it has a lot to do with what I'm telling myself and what I see before the day starts.
When I'm waking up with doubts, then it's difficult to establish the day, it's difficult to pray and ask God for direction because I'm still having a hard time finding myself. This was my biggest hit when I moved to the Inland Empire, because every morning I was waking up angry and I had no idea why and where it was coming from...well in the beginning that is. I now understand it's because I was outside the will of God. He wanted me to completely cut everything off from L.A. and do some things, but I didn't really spend enough time with Him and asking Him. When He said things that didn't make sense, I ignored them. I should have stayed in His will.
"Ten of the spies had unprepared minds and two were fully ready to receive what God wanted to give them."
--> This is where God is saying that I honestly spoke seeing a certain income by November 2013, but as God was trying to guide me to reaching what I asked Him for, I kept trying to hold on to my past way. I then began to bump into those with that old mindset. I know that I got to Riverside to get away from the wrong way of thinking, but I had trouble with being double-minded myself. I was trying to do things in my flesh. I kept thinking about how I was going to do things and asking God to do it, but not truly following what He wanted. He made things available for me, but I couldn't make sense of any of it. This year will be different. Tomorrow will be different. I have a new mindset. I am not going back. I am not looking back like Lot's wife anymore!
Sow truth in your mind and prepare the soil!
- How have you used words against yourself?
"For the Toltecs, to be impeccable with the word means to not use it against one's self. The warrior is always on guard against negative self-talk, self-judgment, worry, gossip, and other fear-based uses of words."
Reading the above statement, I understand that I may have even self-judged myself within this post. I will be driven to greatness not out of shame of what I have not done yet, but to know that God is calling me higher and to concentrate on what was will never get me there and is useless energy!
- How "free of error, mixed motives, or hidden agendas" are you living? How transparent is your life and speech?
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Day 28 - Asking/Potential (Tiffany)
The Power of the Question
"The best time to ask questions, especially if you are trying to solve a problem, is to ask when you're open to receive answers. Asking questions is a form of active inquiry, whereby you create a relational culture of dynamic dialogues, discovery, learning, growth, exchange, and mindshare."I find this quite interesting, being that I have been around so many people whom I find influential and I keep having a hard time just interacting with them. I consider it is my own mentality and why I am having a hard time with belief that I can go higher. I think that it starts with legislating and speaking it out loud. I think that the more we decree and declare something, the truer it becomes for us.
The only problem with that is that if we're having a hard time pin-pointing what it is that we exactly want, then we have a hard time declaring and decreeing.
I started the year off, specifically knowing the three areas I wanted to work on. However, I allowed circumstances, people and fatigue of my situation to get me off focus for the first month. I am not going to spend too much time going over the past month. With each new day, we have a chance to change our reality and that's what I'm doing. I'm going to begin to speak the things that I have written out, so that they don't seem so far-fetched any longer. If I speak them, they shall be. I shall have what I say, I decree and declare. And when I become comfortable speaking it, then asking others who have been where I want to go will no longer be scary.
Opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity!
The 7 Dimensions of the Spirit
- Power
- Riches
- Wisdom
- Might
- Honor
- Glory
- Blessing
There is absolutely nothing that is unavailable to you by His Spirit.
The right question is: Has God revealed His will for us? And if so, would we believe, obey and trust Him?
>>Well, I have to admit, that once I looked some things up earlier today and found a location to live for the future, I took matter in my own hands & instead of focusing on the things I said I would focus on this year, I started looking for ways of how I can make it happen. I'm sure God has been long-suffering for me since my childhood on this issue. One day, I'll completely rest in His will because I not only know what it is, but I'm so focused on it, that when I look at things around me, I won't go that way. Don't look to the left or the right, but stay FOCUSED!
"You can never become who you've been destined to become until you lose who you used to be" - Rex Crain
You have the potential to do all sorts of things, but you need to focus on the thing God has assigned you alone to do. Understand what your assigned 'craft' is - and then master it!
What is my assignment?
--> It's to help others find their place of rest in Christ in order to move into the Promised Land...the Kingdom of God and fully take on the Vision God has given them.
What have I invested in maximizing my potential in that area?
--> I have committed to first learning how to serve others through their health and wellness and within that help them to gather their thoughts within their mission and purpose.
--> I can say that I have not been doing this whole-heartedly and effectively when I speak with others and I need to hold myself up to that standard.
-->At first, I thought it was just about writing, but now I see that it's much more than my talent. My talent is a part of what I do, but the Lord wants me to use all of my gifts and right now He is developing my speaking and ministering abilities through what I'm doing and I have to take it seriously as I am serving Him and it's not about what I'm getting from it!
Dear Heavenly Father, please show me how it will be with YOU working in and through me.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Day 27 - Legislating/Responsibility (Tiffany)
Reading this day's Soul Fast, is important to me and my growth and development into who God has created me to be. I was mute as a child. Not because I couldn't speak, but I harbored so much fear with interacting with others that I chose not to speak. It was a choice, because it took a great amount of strength and courage each time to say something to others who were not my grandmother (my mother--she adopted me).
Anyway, I had a cousin who was very overbearing and critical. She may have also been the reason as to why I didn't want to speak to others. She was always trying to prove me wrong in things, and some things I believe that I had the correct information and facts, but she always tried to make me feel stupid and/or dumb. I remember she was skipped to the same grade as me, we went to the same school, and she made friends easier than I did. When I got to a public school and it was just me, I had a real hard time adjusting to making friends there.
I wanted someone to introduce me to everybody. When I met people, I felt awkward that they wanted to hang out with me. I didn't have much to say. When I finally decided that I would hang with others, I just stood around them and had nothing to contribute. I was always quiet. A couple of years ago, we had a mini-reunion and one of my schoolmates said that she would try to do things to make me speak when we were younger.
I had no idea that she was a mean girl in that capacity. I had really admired her as a leader at our school. She was the most popular.
Anyway, this is where things get hard in my walk right now. I am at a point where I truly want to live authentically, and there's some things going on in the inside that need to be resolved. I thought I was done with some things in my life, but I keep gravitating towards it for attention. I'm sure I did away with it all by my behavior Wednesday night, but who's to say that the situation won't occur again but through a different person?
This is where I need to get true with myself. "Jesus refused to do what satan suggested because His Father would not be worshiped and praised, or as Peter put it, His virtues would not be made clear."
That is the level that I must think on when it comes to self-denial. When I have to make a choice between what I want or desire and whether or not the Lord will be glorified if I go with my desires. There's nothing wrong with having desires, but our desires should line up with His perfect will. If it interferes with His will, then self-denial is monument!
I asking Lord, create in me a clean heart & purify me!
"Your words have to be backed up with honesty and integrity--what in psychological terms is called congruence. What you do and say on the outside must reflect what you think on the inside. A lack of congruence causes stress and affects the way information is processed and memory is built." - Dr. Caroline Leaf
>>In whatever area you have failed, own it, address it, embrace it as a priceless lesson, and MOVE ON!
That's what I have to do. I think if I try to dwell on what I allowed to happen and let the weight of guilt stay on me, I cannot move forward. I own it, I'm giving it to God and I believe He will give me the strength to move forward!
1) What are the abilities God has given you? How well are you stewarding them?
God has given me many abilities, I need to work on my stewardship. I have allowed too many things to cloud my thinking and decision-making.
2) Has God called you to be a leader? Of course He has! The question is: How are you taking responsibility for fulfilling that call?
I'm getting better as time goes by. Some habits that I used to have would be really essential now, because I really need them in order to be an effective leader. I have allowed too much gunk from inward desires to mess things up, because of a lack of faith that I have had in God. I took this up with the Lord the night before last and He answered me yesterday morning. He said He will do it. So all I need to do is trust Him, but it's hard telling that to my feelings.
Anyway, I had a cousin who was very overbearing and critical. She may have also been the reason as to why I didn't want to speak to others. She was always trying to prove me wrong in things, and some things I believe that I had the correct information and facts, but she always tried to make me feel stupid and/or dumb. I remember she was skipped to the same grade as me, we went to the same school, and she made friends easier than I did. When I got to a public school and it was just me, I had a real hard time adjusting to making friends there.
I wanted someone to introduce me to everybody. When I met people, I felt awkward that they wanted to hang out with me. I didn't have much to say. When I finally decided that I would hang with others, I just stood around them and had nothing to contribute. I was always quiet. A couple of years ago, we had a mini-reunion and one of my schoolmates said that she would try to do things to make me speak when we were younger.
I had no idea that she was a mean girl in that capacity. I had really admired her as a leader at our school. She was the most popular.
Anyway, this is where things get hard in my walk right now. I am at a point where I truly want to live authentically, and there's some things going on in the inside that need to be resolved. I thought I was done with some things in my life, but I keep gravitating towards it for attention. I'm sure I did away with it all by my behavior Wednesday night, but who's to say that the situation won't occur again but through a different person?
This is where I need to get true with myself. "Jesus refused to do what satan suggested because His Father would not be worshiped and praised, or as Peter put it, His virtues would not be made clear."
That is the level that I must think on when it comes to self-denial. When I have to make a choice between what I want or desire and whether or not the Lord will be glorified if I go with my desires. There's nothing wrong with having desires, but our desires should line up with His perfect will. If it interferes with His will, then self-denial is monument!
I asking Lord, create in me a clean heart & purify me!
"Your words have to be backed up with honesty and integrity--what in psychological terms is called congruence. What you do and say on the outside must reflect what you think on the inside. A lack of congruence causes stress and affects the way information is processed and memory is built." - Dr. Caroline Leaf
>>In whatever area you have failed, own it, address it, embrace it as a priceless lesson, and MOVE ON!
That's what I have to do. I think if I try to dwell on what I allowed to happen and let the weight of guilt stay on me, I cannot move forward. I own it, I'm giving it to God and I believe He will give me the strength to move forward!
1) What are the abilities God has given you? How well are you stewarding them?
God has given me many abilities, I need to work on my stewardship. I have allowed too many things to cloud my thinking and decision-making.
2) Has God called you to be a leader? Of course He has! The question is: How are you taking responsibility for fulfilling that call?
I'm getting better as time goes by. Some habits that I used to have would be really essential now, because I really need them in order to be an effective leader. I have allowed too much gunk from inward desires to mess things up, because of a lack of faith that I have had in God. I took this up with the Lord the night before last and He answered me yesterday morning. He said He will do it. So all I need to do is trust Him, but it's hard telling that to my feelings.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Day 26 - Eating/Integrity (Tiffany)
Well, I had took some time away from the blog, the interesting thing is that I did in fact do day 26 weeks ago, but failed to come to the blog and I got out of my consistency.
What I find interesting is that when I do get back to this book it's like everything is lining up in my life for it.
This is something that I read yesterday morning:
So in this that God is saying that I need to really begin to consume His Word more. To meditate. I have meditated on a particular scripture during this month:
"Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel." - Joshua 1:2
The interesting thing, I realized the other day that I do need to begin speaking to myself more positively, for far too long, it's been easier for me to say negative things about myself and to say things to myself that will keep me down. I have to learn how to speak over myself in a way that I praise myself. Some in the church have called it prophesying over yourself. The world does it, those who are wealthy, they have more of an optimistic outlook, which comes from speaking well over themselves.
It's a fight to go from negative to positive, but I believe it's the key to long-lasting success.
"Your words establish the direction of your life, taking you down the road to authenticity or detouring you to mediocrity, or even immobilizing you altogether into a life of fear. Operate in the power of words by legislating, asking, sowing and blessing." ~ Cindy Trimm
Learning to live authentically is all about learning to be true to who you really are--it's about living congruently so that what you say and do align with your core values and divine nature.
What are the circumstances in your life that are making you stronger? What is tempering you and testing your integrity?
I would say growth in certain areas of knowledge and making sure that I stay abreast in an attitude of service as God moves me forward and ahead. My circumstances are such that I'm dealing without much right now, it makes doing things a little bit harder and at times, I'd rather just rest at home before getting out in the world to start my day or go through the day, although I know it's important to do. But I also realize that self-reflection is just as important as going out to live and to serve. If I don't spend the time that I need with the Lord and becoming better spiritually, then I won't have anything to give or bring to the world.
As a result of this refining process, write down what you know in your heart will be revealed. What treasure are you carrying on the inside of you that needs to find expression in the world around you?
I'm seeing that I'm growing as a person. Each day I am tested with my character because I see people who are not so well off. I remember I used to get mad at them where I was rude, then I begin to just wish that they wouldn't ask me for anything because I was trying to make sure that I had enough money to take care of what I need to take care of. Now I'm at a point, where I just give if I have. I don't really give it a lot of thought, which sometimes may not be a good thing. I think I need to begin to think ahead of time for those who are without and see how much I will bless their lives, consciously. I believe I've been brought very far just to get to this place of charity/ the same time, I believe this is the success that God wants me to have because when HE makes me a multimillionaire, I will bless those who are in unfortunate situations. I will not be rude or high and mighty not wanting to talk to them, but God is bringing me to a point of genuine care and concern for others. I may not be all the way there yet, but I'm really close!
What I find interesting is that when I do get back to this book it's like everything is lining up in my life for it.
This is something that I read yesterday morning:
the quality of your life by adding more spiritual content. I have not
called you to be paupers (impoverished) in My kingdom, but to feed sumptuously on My
Word and to walk on the path that leads to abundant life. Many of My
people, however, live like there is not enough to go around.
Continually seek My face, and let My Word and My purposes abound in,
around, and through you, says the Lord. John 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I
have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more
abundantly.So in this that God is saying that I need to really begin to consume His Word more. To meditate. I have meditated on a particular scripture during this month:
"Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel." - Joshua 1:2
The interesting thing, I realized the other day that I do need to begin speaking to myself more positively, for far too long, it's been easier for me to say negative things about myself and to say things to myself that will keep me down. I have to learn how to speak over myself in a way that I praise myself. Some in the church have called it prophesying over yourself. The world does it, those who are wealthy, they have more of an optimistic outlook, which comes from speaking well over themselves.
It's a fight to go from negative to positive, but I believe it's the key to long-lasting success.
"Your words establish the direction of your life, taking you down the road to authenticity or detouring you to mediocrity, or even immobilizing you altogether into a life of fear. Operate in the power of words by legislating, asking, sowing and blessing." ~ Cindy Trimm
Learning to live authentically is all about learning to be true to who you really are--it's about living congruently so that what you say and do align with your core values and divine nature.
What are the circumstances in your life that are making you stronger? What is tempering you and testing your integrity?
I would say growth in certain areas of knowledge and making sure that I stay abreast in an attitude of service as God moves me forward and ahead. My circumstances are such that I'm dealing without much right now, it makes doing things a little bit harder and at times, I'd rather just rest at home before getting out in the world to start my day or go through the day, although I know it's important to do. But I also realize that self-reflection is just as important as going out to live and to serve. If I don't spend the time that I need with the Lord and becoming better spiritually, then I won't have anything to give or bring to the world.
As a result of this refining process, write down what you know in your heart will be revealed. What treasure are you carrying on the inside of you that needs to find expression in the world around you?
I'm seeing that I'm growing as a person. Each day I am tested with my character because I see people who are not so well off. I remember I used to get mad at them where I was rude, then I begin to just wish that they wouldn't ask me for anything because I was trying to make sure that I had enough money to take care of what I need to take care of. Now I'm at a point, where I just give if I have. I don't really give it a lot of thought, which sometimes may not be a good thing. I think I need to begin to think ahead of time for those who are without and see how much I will bless their lives, consciously. I believe I've been brought very far just to get to this place of charity/ the same time, I believe this is the success that God wants me to have because when HE makes me a multimillionaire, I will bless those who are in unfortunate situations. I will not be rude or high and mighty not wanting to talk to them, but God is bringing me to a point of genuine care and concern for others. I may not be all the way there yet, but I'm really close!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
The Power of Words! (Cindy Trimm)
WEEK SIX: The Power Of Words Healing The Hole In Your Soul
Last week
we talked
about the importance of identity. The Bible says God has made us
kings and priests in order to reign on the earth. (See Revelat
ions 5:10.) Peter tells us
we belong to “a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9).
The word royal is speaking of our kingly attributes as believers — and priesthood as being ordained to speak on behalf of God and “to bless.” Too many of us have neglected our roya l duty to decree blessings over our marriages, families, businesses, ministries, and every other realm of our lives. The whole universe is waiting for you and I to take dominion, speak out, and give instruction. That’s what we were created to do! The Bib le says, “the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19 ESV).
All of creation waits in anticipation for God’s called out and anointed ones to bring it back into alignment with the Creator’s original intent — to dec lare His glory to the nations. (See Isaiah 25:3 and 66:19.)
Every word you speak is pregnant with regal, creative power.
As we said before, yo u were created i n the image of God. One thing we know about God, is that His Word carries immense creative power and always ac complishes what He intends . Through the Prophet Isaiah, God said, “So shall My word be that goes forth
Imagination has no power until it is expressed — and the most powerful expression in the universe is the spoken word. God spoke, and from “nothingness” came everything that exists in the physical universe.
Hebrews states that, “The worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:3).
Words are powerful.
Not only that, words can be dangerous. James, the brother of Jesus, said, “The tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire” (James 3:6 NCV).
Listen to how The Message explains it: “It only takes a spark . . . to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.”
James also told us that if we could control the tongue, we would be perfect — “if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man” (James 3:2). And then he gave us further insight into the power of our words by explaining that the tongue is like a small bit used to guide a horse, or the rudder of a great ship used to steer it: from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10).
That is how eve rything that exists was created! God spoke out what He had seen in his mind. He dreamed about creating the cos mos, but it was not until His Word framed what He saw in His mind’s eye did the earth, the sun, moon, and stars appear.
“If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships al so: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things” (James 3:3-5 ESV).
This is a powerful illustration of how we are to harness the power of our words in fulfilling our destiny.
For example, when a ship sets sail to cross the sea, the pilot plots out the course. He ch ecks his calculations from time to time to ensure he is always headed in the right direction, and then he keeps the steering as steady as possible heading towards his predetermined destination.
Certainly, along the way, he may have to adjust the helm to go around storms, navigate currents, or avoid obstacles in the water, but he always steers with his focus more on where he is going than what he is going through. If he constantly changes the steering from one minute to the next fixated on his present circumstances, the ship is more likely to go in circles than it is to arrive at the desired port of call.
For the pilot, the course is created first in his thoughts, communicated through the rudder, and then realized as the rest of the ship lines up with his intent. For us, our lives only arrive at our desired goals if our words are perfectly aligned with the ultimate intentions of our thoughts. You must take the time to carefully consider your course.
• Where are you heading and what will it look like when you get there? Let your imagination take over. Spend time daydreaming about where you want to be in life. Read about it. Study that place. Write about it in your journal. Draw it. Paint it. Let your mind run free with the possibilities of what you could accomplish . Now talk about it. Line up your mouth — the rudder of your life — with where you are going. Then keep it steady and on course.
What happens to a ship if you head it in one direction at one moment, and then turn it in the opposite direction the next — and keep doing that over and over? Pretty simple — it goes nowhere. This i s what happens when people speak about the good things they are expecting to happen one minute, and then spend the next half hour talking about all the negative things happening to them that are keeping them from getting there. They are turning their lives in circles. They line up their spoken words with where they want to go for a lit tle while, then when they meet a storm along the way, all they do is talk about the bad weather and lose track of where they were headed in the first place. They forget that they have the power to turn their lives around the storm or press on through it to ward the sun shining on the other side. They forget that the “Son” has never stopped shining on their lives, no matter how dark the clouds in the sky are. Even in the midst of what looks like a catastrophe, keep speaking the blessing, keep the ship of your life on a steady course, and before you know it the storm clouds will clear and you will have broken through your difficulty and left it far behind you. Your every decree is pregnant with the power and potential to revolutionize your life. Words are w orth your attention. Be mindful of what you are proclaiming, declaring, and asking.
Proverbs 18:21, states “Death and life are in the power of th e tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Choose to use your tongue to bring life an d not death, to bless and not curse — even when it comes to your “enemies.” Learn the art of blessing, for in blessing a thing or a person, that thing or person m ust bless you. “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse” (Romans 12:14). When you practice the art of blessing, blessings will gravitate toward you, or as Deuteronomy 28:2 says, “blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.” Conversely, in cursing a thing or a person, you draw curses upon yourself. Again, as James said: “A double - minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:7). What did he mean? A double - minded person is a person with conflicting thoughts — someone who holds two diff erent opinions at the same time. That person is the pilot, who steers his ship towards one port for a while, then reverses to steer it towards another in the opposite direction. “He ... is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind ” (James 1:6). At one point your life is headed towards blessings because that is what you have spoken, and the next it is headed towards cursing because that is now what your mouth is proclaiming
I am convinced that believers tend to live beneath the standard God has ordained for His children because of ignorance. We do not know that our daily declarations and decrees have the power to alter our destiny an d change the quality of our lives. Proverbs 13:3 states that “He who guards his mouth [watches what he says] preserves his life.” If guarding your words causes you to preserve your life, imagine what happens when you do not guard your words?
Speak Out Your Blessings Place your hand directly in front of your mouth and declare out loud, “I am blessed, all of my needs are met and I have more than enough for myself, my household, and extra left over to give to others.” Did you feel the power of those wor ds coming forth out of your mouth like a breeze? Those same words will come back to you, manifested with hurricane force, blowing into your life abundance and blessings or lack and calamity depending on what you speak.
Choose to steer your life into blessings by filling the atmosphere around you with words of faith and victory. Words released into the atmosphere do not disappear and dissipate. Words have power, presence, prophetic implications, and no geographical limitations. They create a magnetic force that pulls the manifestation of what you speak — good or bad, blessing or cursing — from other realms, regions, and dimensions. Did you know that some of the gre at est Christians of all times w ere lawyers? Many in our culture today make fun of lawyers and politicians, but throughout history, lawyers have revealed some of the greatest truths about God we have ever known. Moses was “the law giver,” and the Apostle Pau l was a Sadducee — one who studied Rabbinic Law . Martin Luther of the Reformation began his career as a lawyer, as did the great revivalist, Charles Finney. What made them so powerful? They read their Bibles as lawyers would when studying to prepare a case , and they put more faith in God keeping His Word than they did in any earthly laws or political promises. Then they took those words and cha rged the atmosphere by professing biblical truth. They changed thei r world through what they spoke.
When you read the Bible, you need to take God’s Word personally. His promises are for His people, and if you have received Him as your Lord and Savior, that means you. Speak life into your dead areas — speak light where there may be darkness — you’ll be amazed at what Go d’s words in your mouth will do! This week we are focusing on the characteristics of integrity, responsibility, poten tial, impeccability, and compassion. Focus on what you are saying about yourself and others. Maneuver the ship of your life by steering your tongue! Think for a moment ...
• What does that mean to you? What must happen in your heart for there to b e a change in your mouth — in order to “speak for a change”? Remember, it ’ s “ out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks ” (see Luke 6:45).
• Now , t hink about how you will speak for a change.
Come into agreement with what God has already said in His Word about you and your situation. Get God’s Word on it. Then , fill your mouth with His promises and chan ge your world.
Hebrews 10:23: Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Week 6 - The Power of Words: Healing the Hole in Your Soul
Welcome to Week Six of The 40 Day Soul Fast!
Last week we talked about the importance of identity. The Bible says God has made us kings and priests in order to reign on the earth. (See Revelations 5:10.) Peter tells us we belong to "a royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9).The word royal is speaking of our kingly attributes as believers--and priesthood as being ordained to speak on behalf of God and "to bless."
Too many of us have neglected our royal duty to decree blessings over our marriages, families, businesses, ministries, and every other realm of our lives.
The whole universe is waiting for us to take dominion, to speak out, and to give instruction. That's what we were created to do! The Bible says, "the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God" (Romans 8:19 esv).
All of creation waits in anticipation for God's called out and anointed ones to bring it back into alignment with the Creator's original intent--declaring His glory to the nations. (See Isaiah 25:3 and 66:19.)
Every word you speak is pregnant with regal, creative power.
God created everything that exists by speaking out what He envisioned. He
dreamed about creating the cosmos, but it was not until His Word framed what He
saw in His mind's eye did the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars appear.
Imagination has no power until it is expressed--and the most powerful expression in the universe is the spoken word. God spoke, and from "nothingness" came everything that is.
Hebrews states that, "The worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible" (Hebrews 11:3).
This week, declare yourself blessed! Declare yourself healed! Declare your home and business and marriage and children healthy and prosperous.
What do you envision for the world around you? Imagine the possibilities and begin framing it with your words.
Hebrews 10:23 NLT: Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Fasting for Breakthrough
Check out this blog on Fasting for Breakthrough
It is a promotional blog for the book of same title!Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Day 32 questions from PG
How is God's loyalty working in and through your life?
In what area might your loyalties be "divided"? What can you do to change that?
How has someone's disloyalty affected you in the past? Sometimes reflecting on that will compel you to be more loyal.
Day 31 questions from PG
What converging can you do today to honor someone?
To what degree do you command respect? Are you a leader others look up to because you are respectful -- as in "full of respect?"
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Day 30 questions from PG
Think of someone you normally don't have patience for, and speak a blessing over him or her now.
The next time you come across a person less fortunate, stop and bless them with your words. You might not have the money or time to invest, but you always have a kind word -- and there is no better investment than that.
Day 29 Sowing/Impeccability (Dommi)
I do try to always speak the truth. Unfortunately, there are however, times when I'm not always truthful. Sometimes I tell (what we have been conditioned to call) little white lies... Where I may not answer the phone, and when confronted, I'll say I was sleep when in actuality I was awake in bed but just didn't want to be bothered. In my head, when I do this, I feel like I'm sparing the person unnecessary hurt because sometimes people take it personal when you don't want to be bothered. So rather than explain, I'll just say I was sleep. :/
Sometimes I will misrepresent what I'm feeling or thinking, and again because I don't like to be hurtful. Recently I was in the presence of someone who was always doing thing that were highly irritating. While it bothered me extensively, I never spoke on the things that bothered me. Instead, I acted like everything was ok, hoping it would pass. But it didn't. By the time it came to confrontation everything ended up not going so well... I realize now I was not living or acting authentically. I am working on speaking truthfully and being impeccable with my words. To speak in love, but also in truth...
I have used words against myself when I have been depressed. Having low self-esteem & low self-worth.
I'm not living any mixed motives or hidden agendas. I don't wish anyone evil or harm. I'm not being deceitful or trying to manipulate any situations in my favor.
I think my life is probably more transparent than my speech. I'm not a person of many words and I don't always speak on how I feel. But how I live is wide open & transparent.
Would JESUS say of you, "look, there goes a person in whom there is no guile?"
Yes, Jesus will say that of me! It may not be TODAY, but he WILL say it!
Day 29 questions from PG
Do you always speak the truth? Do you say one thing when you mean another or misrepresent what you are truly feeling it thinking?
Have you used words against yourself?
How "free if error, mixed motives, or hidden agendas" are you living? How transparent is your life and speech?
Would JESUS say of you, "look, there goes a person in whom there is no guile?"
Day 28 Asking/Potential (Dommi)
The topic for today, "asking" or the fact that I don't ask (until recently), is what I think has kept me from total expression of what I was meant to be, do, and accomplish. Somehow in my head I think it's selfish to ask for things for myself so I always prays for others. Don't really know where that thinking came into play, (the enemy deceiving me no doubt) but for as long as I can remember, I would feel so guilty praying for myself.
The fears I have, that keep me from fully expressing my divine self is that I feel like I will fail. I feel like I won't be able to accomplish what it is God wants me to do. But then that Marianne Williamson quote pops into my head:
I truly believe that my assignment is to teach the Word of God, but I'm still not sure in what capacity, undoubtedly due to the fact that I have not "asked," because I fear the answer is going to be something that would invoke serious changes in my already stressful life.
I invest time daily into reading & understanding the Word of God in an effort to maximize my potential in this area.
Envisioning my potential maximized, it would be organized, and aligned with Gods will for my life!
Day 28 questions from PG
What is keeping you from total expression of all that you were meant to be, to do, and to accomplish? What are the weights, doubts, fears, and other encumbrances keeping you from fully expressing your divine self?
Ask God, "what is my assignment?"
Ask yourself, "what have I invested in maximizing my potential in that area?"
Envision what your potential maximized would look like. Now, imagine how it might look with God working in and through you! Ask God to show you, and then ask Him to do it!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Day 27 Legislating/Responsibility (Dommi)
My God given abilities are: I have the ability to love beyond circumstances, have faith in things I can't see, I am able to be patient in trying situations, I have the ability to demonstrate self control when it comes to my tongue and not speak my whole mind, I have the ability to experience joy in the midst of a storm, I have the ability to operate in a peaceful state of mind when I feel pressured, I have the ability to be meek and offer gentleness when people are abusive to me, I have the ability to be kind and offer help to those in need.
I do well in stewarding these God given abilities until someone take extreme advantage of me... Then my challenge is continuing in these abilities with a loving heart... I can do it in action, but my heart condition says something else... That's what I'm working on...
I need to take better and fuller responsibility in leading those who God has set me up to lead. Which is for right now, my household. I need to show a little more consistency.
One thing I can change, that will change everything, is my attitude when I've been done wrong. I need to keep in mind that the battles we fight are not carnal, so my battle is not with the person persay but the spirit in them fighting against the spirit in me. I just need to find a balance between continuing to love a person while boundaries are in place that don't allow the person to continue to be hurtful against me, while keeping my heart in a good place...
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Day 26 Eating/Integrity (Dommi)
It's funny that I have this picture on the wall over my dining room table of a little girl eating the pages out of the bible...
You Are What You Eat!
Just as a reminder as to what we consume... Mentally as well as physically...
The circumstances in my life that make me stronger are meditating on God's Word everyday! I notice that the more time I spend in the Word, the less I worry about circumstances.
What's tempering me and testing my integrity is needing the approval of others... I'm still working on being the true authentic me, worrying only about what God thinks of me. I still get caught up in what others think as well, and have made decisions based on if I thought another person would approve. It has put me in some pretty awful situations that I would not have went thru had I followed my true self and made a different decision.
As a result of this refining process (clarity of intent, purity of motives, honest decision-making, congruency, and transparency), what I know in my heart will be revealed is a better mother, better parenting, a better wife, a stronger marriage, and most importantly, a true authentic woman of God. Unashamed. A teacher of the word, even if nothing more than by life example.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Day 25 Becoming/Purpose (Dommi)
I haven't been very intentional in being purpose-minded or disciplined. In fact, the only thing I have been purposeful and intentional about on a daily basis is climbing into my bed as soon as I get off from work!
I can't say that I hear God saying anything to me regarding a His purpose for my life aside from me recalling the prophecies that I would teach... I do believe that to be my calling... I believe that was received of the Lotd over my life at 19 years old and a confirmation at 36. I also took a spiritual gifts test and my top 3 gifts were 1) discernment 2) teaching and 3) faith...
This season in my lifes has been very uncomfortable. Again I haven't heard from God regarding regarding my purpose, but that could be because I haven't been spending much time in prayer as I should...
What I could do, to do my part in being intentional and purposeful is to continue to saturate my mind with the Word! To stay in prayer regarding ALL things, to ask God for counsel and wisdom. To rest in Him. I could stand to do less complaining, be less lazy, and less be less stagnant...
Monday, January 6, 2014
Day 24 Belonging/Identity (Dommi)
Greatness is: wonderful, first-rate, notable, remarkable, important,highly significant, distinguished, of noble character!
Wow! If that doesn't describe what we are as children of God!! However, while this should be my identity, I relate to none of it! How bad is that!? That has got to change!
I put too much weight into what others think of me. What my feelings make me think of myself. Feelings are so unpredictable & ever-changing. I will continue to pray about what it is God has called me to do, and to show me my true identity in Him!
If I was living as a king and priest, or simply a new creation in Christ, I would walk with my head held high instead of hanging down low. Not in a prideful way, but in confidence! My speaking would be a little more assertive rather than fearful or unsure. I would live life a little more boldly & courageously.
It would feel like "greatness!"
I would be different because I would be walking in my God-created identity, not what the world thinks and says I am...
My vision for my God-created identity is to teach in the capacity that The Lord leads me. To be successful speaking with clarity and understanding. To always put God first in all my situations. To trust Him & rest in Him even when things don't look the way I want them to. To live out loud, unapologetically authentic!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Day 23 Capitalizing/Destiny (Dommi)
Initially when I read the question of "what do I hear God saying about who he has called me to be" I was like I don't hear God saying anything... Then I thought...
21 years ago, in 1993, I was at church. I had only been attending that church for maybe a couple of months. I was pregnant with my 3rd child Joshua. The pastor walk over to me and prophesied over me and said God said I would be a teacher of His Word. I was overwhelmed a little with that info and confused. How could God use me? Here I sit pregnant with my 3rd child out of wedlock! Just didn't seem right to me... I went on with life and forgot all about it... In 2010, 17 years later, I was visiting a church in San Bernardino. It was my first time visiting that church. At the end of service he prophesied over a few people and looked at me and asked me to stand. I look around like is he talkin to me? Yes you, please stand! I don't remember the prophesy word for word, what I remember him saying is God has called you to be a teacher of His Word & the words you speak out of your mouth will be as powerful as a lion that no one can contain... I immediately & uncontrollably wept... It brought back to my mind that prophesy I heard 17 years prior... These are the only 2 prophesies that have ever been spoken over my life...
So I guess my answer would be, I hear God calling me to teach his Word, however, I don't know in what capacity...
I can't see what my greatest possible future looks like. Mainly because I'm not sure in what capacity I would teach. I don't feel I have the courage or confidence for public speaking. But I do know that God works His strength thru our weaknesses, and He will equip me with what I need to fulfill His perfect will for my life...
My decision making process for this situation is to decide to trust God to lead me in the direction he'll have me to go, and that I do not fear if the territory is unfamiliar. That I have complete trust!
Until then, my destiny awaits...
Day 22 Agreeing/Gratitude (Dommi)
Before starting this book I never thought of myself as having a poor self image. But having to answer questions about what I'm good at or what I like about myself has been challenging... I mostly look for the good in other people but rarely (unintentionally) in myself. I often feel I'm not strong enough or good enough at something to proclaim "I'm good at this" or "I have strength in this area." With long thoughtful consideration, lol, here are my answers...
Five strengths, abilities, or talents about myself I'm grateful for:
•learning things quickly
Five opportunities or outcomes I have not yet experienced that I can preemptively be grateful for:
•finding my purpose in life
•successfully guiding all my children to serve The Lord with all their heart, be college graduates, and be successful in life to the glory of God!
•going back to school myself
•finding my place in ministry
•to stop being shy/quiet and live life a little more boldly and on purpose!
People in my life I'm especially grateful for:
•My Parents - for continuously giving me guidance and never turning their backs on me when I was at my worse.
•My Grandma Monk - for laying the foundation of Christ in my life! For being an example of a Christ-centered life. For teaching me independence. That I can do anything on my own & I don't need to depend on anyone especially not a man.
•My Husband - for loving me unconditionally. Thru my crazy. Thru my insecurities. Thru my pains. Thru my trials. Thru all my worst moments & well as my best moments. For being my backbone and always keeping a level head when I fly off the handle. For being my calm in the midst of a storm.
•My Mother-in-law - for teaching me how to love unconditionally, and be a cheerful giver. A giver from from the heart. Always ready to help anyone in need. To do things for others, as your doing them unto The Lord!
With exception of my grandma who has passed, I can make my gratitude known to these people by sending a little card of appreciation in the mail. I think it would be a nice unexpected surprise.
I think I have spent the better part of last year telling God about all the horrible things going on in my life & not half as much the time I should have been spending being grateful and praising him for the good! I need to be more promise focused instead of problem focused! This year I will definitely do a lot more praising and thanking... and focusing on the good and not the bad...
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Day 21 Embracing/Faith (Dommi)
Who am I really?
Aside from the obvious -- mother, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, friend, and bus driver -- I guess I don't really know... Which is why I'm doing this soul fast. To reveal the real true authentic me underneath the many hats I wear...
The things that stir up my faith are:
•reading my bible
•reading my devotional's
•listening to gospel music
•listening to church cd's or "The Bible Experience" on cd
•listening to Christian Radio Programming
I keep all these things close by me at all times... Physically on my night stand & also digitally on my phone...
My day to day struggles & distractions are:
•eating healthy
•studying the Word
•following thru with to-do lists
•creating a schedule/order
•social media
To start removing my distractions, I first need to take the time to sit and write out a specific time schedule for each activity in my day... And when I go to bed at night, I actually go to sleep & not lay in bed scrolling down FB & IG... I think a lot of what I don't get done in my day is due to lack of sleep and I'm just too tired to do anything but work...
Things I'm claiming victory over:
•Healing in my body
•bringing ever thought captive to the obedience of Christ
•tiredness/weariness/lack of passion
• fear
•feelings of defeat
By FAITH, In the name of Jesus!!!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Day 25 - Becoming/Purpose (Tiffany)
It's a mindset to be purposeful. As I begin this new year, I'm seeing just how much it is a mindset. I've been saying to myself that I have to become more discipline. It starts with writing things out for how my day will go. It starts with me not picking up my phone to look through Instagram first thing in the morning, but finding a scripture and meditating on it after thanking God for waking me up.
We all have habits, but some of our habits are not good ones. I have many bad habits that I'm trying to get rid of by implementing good habits. You reap whatever you sow and you always reap more than what you have sown. I'm ready to get better Returns on my Investments! But that means that I have to work hard on what I'm investing. If I keep doing lazy things, then I'll get lazy results.
"You must learn to pay careful attention every day so you can recognize and discover the purpose God has for everything in creation."
I have to say I'm a bit unorthodox and I love the fact that I have a relationship with the Lord where He reveals things to me and guides me in my life. I prayed this morning, believing and in faith, but when things started happening in regards to my prayer this morning, I wasn't really feeling ready emotionally to take it on. I believe the more that I can develop personally, the better I can become in helping others...that is giving to others, and also in receiving from others.
"Don't let people cut you down or belittle you. Don't allow anyone to determine your purpose"
This is wherein lies my biggest fight with being authentic. God orchestrates our circumstances, we are able to make decisions through them where we are in control of our destinies, but there's always people around you giving their opinions. You cannot stop yourself from hearing what others have to say concerning you, because they will give their unsolicited advice.
I think that you reach a place of growth when you learn not to concentrate so much on what's being said by them while commenting on your situation, but rather focusing on Christ and where He is guiding you through it all. When we truly set our affection on things above, we don't have time to think about other things or people before God.
I have to say that the intensity of me pursuing purpose is intermediate. After a fall, I had a hard time getting back up quickly, I wanted to live purpose, but I was trying to go about it without much prayer time...I got pretty stuck, and then I got confused, and then I stopped reading my word as much. However, it's my goal for 2014 to really press in and reach the level of success that I know is attainable in Christ Jesus.
"What can you be doing more of to "do your part" in bringing God's purpose for your life to pass?"
I think that getting involved and doing things from a place of where I truly desire to help make a difference is where I can truly do my part. I have for far too long been looking to others to get things, now I have to learn the principle of giving and receiving. Sometimes we can receive things with an ungrateful heart. I'm ready to change myself from the inside out, leaning on, trusting on and depending on God!
We all have habits, but some of our habits are not good ones. I have many bad habits that I'm trying to get rid of by implementing good habits. You reap whatever you sow and you always reap more than what you have sown. I'm ready to get better Returns on my Investments! But that means that I have to work hard on what I'm investing. If I keep doing lazy things, then I'll get lazy results.
"You must learn to pay careful attention every day so you can recognize and discover the purpose God has for everything in creation."
I have to say I'm a bit unorthodox and I love the fact that I have a relationship with the Lord where He reveals things to me and guides me in my life. I prayed this morning, believing and in faith, but when things started happening in regards to my prayer this morning, I wasn't really feeling ready emotionally to take it on. I believe the more that I can develop personally, the better I can become in helping others...that is giving to others, and also in receiving from others.
"Don't let people cut you down or belittle you. Don't allow anyone to determine your purpose"
This is wherein lies my biggest fight with being authentic. God orchestrates our circumstances, we are able to make decisions through them where we are in control of our destinies, but there's always people around you giving their opinions. You cannot stop yourself from hearing what others have to say concerning you, because they will give their unsolicited advice.
I think that you reach a place of growth when you learn not to concentrate so much on what's being said by them while commenting on your situation, but rather focusing on Christ and where He is guiding you through it all. When we truly set our affection on things above, we don't have time to think about other things or people before God.
I have to say that the intensity of me pursuing purpose is intermediate. After a fall, I had a hard time getting back up quickly, I wanted to live purpose, but I was trying to go about it without much prayer time...I got pretty stuck, and then I got confused, and then I stopped reading my word as much. However, it's my goal for 2014 to really press in and reach the level of success that I know is attainable in Christ Jesus.
"What can you be doing more of to "do your part" in bringing God's purpose for your life to pass?"
I think that getting involved and doing things from a place of where I truly desire to help make a difference is where I can truly do my part. I have for far too long been looking to others to get things, now I have to learn the principle of giving and receiving. Sometimes we can receive things with an ungrateful heart. I'm ready to change myself from the inside out, leaning on, trusting on and depending on God!
Day 20 Conquering / Order (Dommi)
The enemy is seriously trying to steal, kill, and destroy everything I put my hands to, to succeed... Robbing me of my peace & joy... By way of my thoughts... Leading to anger, dissension, division, and disorder...
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a fight for my life... I will continue to tear down these strongholds, take every thought captive, think on things that are true, noble, and just, etc.
I didn't always think so, but now I do believe that a cluttered environment equals a cluttered life! I really need to bring order to my life in every aspect! From my thoughts, to my closet, to my car, to the purse I carry!!!
I will start creating some order in my life now. I will set aside purposeful, intentional time to study the word, and also write some things down in a planner or on a calendar, or even on plain paper! Most importantly, pray... Over every day, and everything!
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