Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 36 - Dancing/Justice (Tiffany)

How might you be neglecting the weightier matters of justice and mercy?
I don't think of myself as neglecting the weightier matters of justice and mercy. One thing I know, I don't waste a lot of time fighting causes that are not part of my purpose. I know that I have a Kingdom assignment and that many times the Lord will draw me in to the behavior of someone so that I will intercede for that person because the person has an impact in the lives of many others. He also uses me to help guide those who have a calling on their lives to impact the lives of many but are having trouble making a decision and could end up forfeiting their call.

I think that sometimes I do neglect in this area, because I don't like the way the burden feels to tell someone about getting back on assignment if they have backslidden. I saw yesterday how someone came back to church, but I kept pointing this person out and they were really getting in their own way, because of church hurt. I felt terrible because I know that I was supposed to say something and I didn't. I don't really like to bring warnings to others and I think that's probably why I've steered clear of the book of Jeremiah so long. I've read parts, but I've never read the whole book. When I was about a year or two saved, I started reading it and I said to myself, that's not the book for me! Because Jeremiah sounded too much like me and the people he had to talk to sounded too much like the people that I would have to deal with. I wasn't trying to speak in that way!

I don't mind bringing a message of hope and love, but I admit when it's not so good news and to tell others that they need to get it together, I don't like doing it because there is a level of isolation that I have to go through in that. It's not about me, but that's the hardest part of my flesh that needs to die!

What can you begin doing today to "serve people" and make sure evil does not thrive unopposed?
Today, I actually prayed with the household I'm in. There was a charge to pray given by a Pastor that's on my Facebook friends...I think the prayer turned out well and it's probably something God had wanted to happen a long time ago. I'm grateful that tonight was the first evening in doing it!

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