Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 27 Legislating/Responsibility (Dommi)

My God given abilities are: I have the ability to love beyond circumstances, have faith in things I can't see, I am able to be patient in trying situations, I have the ability to demonstrate self control when it comes to my tongue and not speak my whole mind, I have the ability to experience joy in the midst of a storm, I have the ability to operate in a peaceful state of mind when I feel pressured, I have the ability to be meek and offer gentleness when people are abusive to me, I have the ability to be kind and offer help to those in need. 
I do well in stewarding these God given abilities until someone take extreme advantage of me... Then my challenge is continuing in these abilities with a loving heart... I can do it in action, but my heart condition says something else... That's what I'm working on...
I need to take better and fuller responsibility in leading those who God has set me up to lead. Which is for right now, my household. I need to show a little more consistency. 
One thing I can change, that will change everything, is my attitude when I've been done wrong. I need to keep in mind that the battles we fight are not carnal, so my battle is not with the person persay but the spirit in them fighting against the spirit in me. I just need to find a balance between continuing to love a person while boundaries are in place that don't allow the person to continue to be hurtful against me, while keeping my heart in a good place...

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